Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Special addition! Christmas Holly Jesus!

   The Mansion was unusually quiet as small dots of white pearly snow fell from the dark grayish blue sky. The ground was covered in layers of white as it sparkled in the moon light. Inside the mansion shadows ran around in the halls. Like ghost haunting and hunting for something. Suddenly one room of the house was filled with different colored lights.

    Light strung across the walls in a festive way as a tree that almost reached the ceiling stood tall. A beautiful golden star at the very top as the tree was decorated with different shapes. Standing next to a now empty box was a boy in a hat as he stared intensely at the tree.

Sighing he rubbed his eyes, " This is the best it's going to look like Reiji. "

Another boy walked out from the shadows in a corner of the room pushing up his glasses, " Hm. You better be correct remember who we're doing this for Liato. "

  Ignoring reiji he walked out of the room as another male walked in with a tray of delicacies. Setting them down he disappeared without a word making Reiji sigh and begin to set things up. A huge bang sounded out along with a string of profanity. The door to the room slammed open and put a small handle dent in the sky blue wall.

    Swearing some more a White haired boy walked in with his arms full of presents. Bending down he set them under the tree carefully then walked to the door and examined the dent. Seeing how bad it was he cursed under his breath, " Sh*t She's gonna be upset about this. Hey! Reiji have any stuff to fix this before she sees it? "

     Sighing yet again Reiji fixed his glasses again and glanced at the white haired boy, " Yes Subaru. " then walked out of the room.

     In another room filled with darkness a lamp set on the bedside table turned on. Illuminating a small portion of the room in a warm golden color. Sitting on the edge of the bed was a blond male wearing earbuds. His blue eyes staring down at the small figure buried in the purple sheets.

        Slightly shaking the small figure he said, " Time to get up. "

Grumbling a cute voice whined, " I don't wannnaa. "

Smiling slightly he leaned down and whispered in their ear, " Its Christmas Kira~"

Ignoring the tickle and warmness his breath created they jumped out of bed just to swiftly jump back in exclaiming, " Its coooollldd. Shuu why didn't you tell me?!!! "

   Their face scrunched up to look like a child with puffed out cheeks and furrowed brows. Silently laughing he stood up and turned on the heater which in seconds made it warmer. Moving the blankets a girl swung her legs off the bed and stood up.

" Alrighty then let's goooooo! "

   As soon as she shouted that out a red head appeared and picked her up as Shuu frowned. Then the two disappeared and he sighed, " Damn it Ayato. " then disappearing from the room too.The

    Soon almost everyone was in the room from before. Except for two people which was a blond haired female and purple haired male. Sitting around the room as the fireplace was lit bringing in warmth. They waited and waited and waited with no sign of them.

    Rolling around on the floor in boredom the males watched as they talked about things. Finally the door opened and a frantic blonde appeared with terror on her face. Sitting up Kira tilted her head in confusion but didn't ask.

   Instead she said, " Hey Yui Merry Christmas! " then hugged the purple haired boy giggling, " Hello Kanato. "

  Blushing while hugging her back he hummed then sat down with his teddy. Yui looked at Kira like she was crazy as she sat in a corner. Standing up from his seat Reiji walked to the fireplace and grabbed the stockings handing them out. Holding hers Kira was filled with excitement.

   " Alright look in the stocking Kira, Yui. "

  Directly turning hers upside down candy came pouring down as the last thing to fall was a key. Holding the key she went into deep thought ignoring everyone else as they were handed presents. Everyone got three presents except for Kira and Yui. Yui was given one present while Kira was given Five.

     Finally snapping out of her confusion Kira opened up her present in the most delicate way. By first taking off the tape then unfolding the wrapping paper. What she held in her hand was a box that opened to show a beautiful gemed collar.

( Wait Nani?!?!!!!! why would she need a collar??! )

       After opening up all of them except for the last one which was huge. Kira couldn't be patient and directly tore the paper to pieces making the Sakamaki brothers watch in glee. As she saw a big toy police car. Staring at it with sparkling eyes she hopped in and drove around the massive room.

Sticking her head out the window she yelles, " Weoweoweoweoweo the popo gonna get you Whahahahah! "

    Everyone enjoyed all the sweets and gifts as they watched Kira continue to be goofy. While Yui sat in a corner filled with depression as she stared at the 25 cents she was given as a present. Then glared at Kira will hate and envy but oh well thats all for today. It seems Kira has a new enemy on the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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