Chapter Three

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Don't ring please don't ring, I silently beg the bell as the time draws nearer and nearer, ever since Principal Lawrence asked me to be his tour guide, I've been dreading the end of this class.

"Grrr.....!!!!!" Even Mr bell hates me, I sigh as I park my books slowly, my best friend winks at me,gives me the "i-want-details" look and leaves me with "you know who". After I pack my books I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk up to Aidan with the fakest smile ever.
"Hey" he replies
"Um,am Stephanie Williams and I'll be your guide round the school" I finish nervously
"Hmm" he says slinging his backpack over his shoulder
"Lead the way"
"Stephanie I need details now" my best friend begs for details during lunch break
"OK, OK"
I tell her everything that happened during our tour,even my best friend doesn't know about my history with Aidan and I intend keeping it that way

After lunch break the rest of the day goes by  smoothly, I go home and head straight to my room.
I flop on my bed and think about Aidan
He is not supposed to be back now not now my life sucks and I look like this, not that I had ever been beautiful but I look much worse with my short straight brown hair,plain black eyes and pale skin,instead my childhood long wavy blonde hair, black eyes and olive skin that was to die for, I miss the little me when I had no care in the world and Dad was still alive.
I miss Dad so much I still cry anytime I remember him, after his death everything changed his business closed down and we had to move to a smaller house me, my mum and my little sister who took the news much worse than I did and since then living a normal life has been much hard.

I check the time on my phone 3:20pm I guess its time to head to work, I sigh getting up to prepare for work which starts by 4:00pm and ends by 8:30pm everyday.

I arrive a little after 3:30pm so I decide to use my phone before my shift starts, when its time for my shift I enter into the building and head straight for the front desk, working in a clothing shop can be both interesting and tedious.

Almost to the end of my shift, He walks in with his new found aura, this Aidan is quite different from my childhood Aidan,this Aidan carries this commanding presence while my childhood Aidan was just plain Aidan,I know too many Aidans haha sue me anyways that was part of the many reasons why I don't want him to know my identity, he'll definitely push me away seeing as I am not a Barbie doll.

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice he was already in front of me, I quickly readjusted my cloth and say in my usual customer service voice.

"Hello there mister what can I do for you"?
"Pls can you show me where the men's section is" he asks,after giving him directions he leaves to shop.

After about 5 minutes he reappears with his hands full and drops them on the counter, I quickly take out a shopping bag and start folding the clothes neatly into it, I notice that his shirts are white.

He still does that white thing huh? I think smiling as I hand him his clothes.

He pays, thanks me and leaves.

I am genuinely sorry guys for not updating sooner, I had an exam so I couldn't post, not that it helped anyways I still flunked the exam(I think) the results will be out by tomorrow so be warned if I update like a lunatic I passed, but if I don't update I failed and might I add woefully

I love y'all❤❤

Until next time Beloved

A little filler my result is not still out
But I have been busy I promise to update when I am chanced
I still love you ❤

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