Why I unpublished this story (authors note)

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Hello, readers.
I am sorry to inform you that this book will not remain on wattpad anymore, at least in the format it is in, and neither will the sequel.
I wrote about things that I didn't understand when I was younger, and to this day I am still ashamed.
I want to write a creepypasta fanfiction I can truly be proud of, which is why I want to revamp this story and create a new one; a new fanfiction with a real plot and one love interest, with perhaps a sprinkle of drama here and there.
I don't want it to be like this one.
I was (genuinely) 12 years old when I wrote this, and so many years have gone by. I've grown older, and i've realized my mistakes...like I said before, I am so proud of this story and how far it came...but I am not proud of a lot of it's content.
Please follow me or leave me a message if you would like to know about my future cp fanfictions, because they are coming soon. And I promise you...if you thought THIS fanfiction was good? Then you're in for a ride with the next one, because now i've got another four years of experience under my belt.
Thank you all for supporting my work and allowing me to grow, feel free to ask me any questions and I will reply to the best of my ability.

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