Chapter 1 -- Rekindle

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Ibiki released me from his grip after noon the next day, and I felt ready to go directly to Ichiraku's for some ramen. "Ren!" Tsunade stopped me as I attempted to leave Hokage mansion. I groaned unhappily and turned my gaze on her. "Before you go, I'm assigning you to a mission."

"So soon? I literally just got back." I whine.

"It'll be an easy one-- You're to go with Shikamaru to Suna as ambassador to prepare for the upcoming Chunin Exams." Tsunade grinned.

"Oh, you're right- that is easy." I hum. "All right! Should I meet with Shikamaru or something?"

"Why don't you meet him for Ichiraku's. Since you two don't leave until tomorrow, he should be at his house." Tsunade explained.

"All right," I smile, but inside? Sheesh, it was like a giant ass storm was twisting my lower belly. "I'll see you later~" I coo as I fly down the stairs.

You can never doubt the ability for the village people to gossip. I could hear the faint whispers of everyone I pass about my homecoming-- though no one had recognized me yet. I stared at myself in the water under the bridge with a confused hum. Sure, I had matured, as everyone does, but I looked the same as always. Blonde hair, and blue eyes. What was different? Maybe my attire? I gazed down at my front and tugged at my fish net shirt self consciously. Maybe I should switch back to kimonos... but that's all I was allowed to wear at the compound, there was no way I was going back to wearing those. Maybe for special occasions... Why am I stalling myself?

"There's something wrong with me," I whined as I palmed my flushed face. Something wet pressed into the palm of my hand as I lowered it, and I immediately leapt away. "Holy--" I gasp. I stare down at the large white dog besides me. His head was cocked and his big tongue was lolled out as he stared up at me. Familiarity washed over me. "Akamaru?" I hum happily as I kneel down. He hesitates as I start scratching his ears, and the recognition finally kicked in. He gave a shrill bark before cuddling into my chest. I let out a yelp as I tumbled onto my butt and I'm covered in doggy kisses. "It's good to see you too, buddy!" I laughed happily. I finally managed to tug him off and playfully rubbed his giant head. "As much as I'd love to be covered in your kisses, I've got to go meet Shikamaru- I've got a mission with him tomorrow~" Akamaru barked in response before dragging his tongue across my face before bolting. I chuckle and pull a towel from my side pouch to wipe my face free of any slobber.

Shikamaru's house is the same as I remember it. I wonder if Shikaku got better looking with age. 'I wonder if Shikamaru will look like him in the future.' My face started burning again as I thought about it. I shook my head and gently rapped on the door. Shikamaru's mother, Yoshino, answered the door. "Yes, can I help you?" She hummed as she slowly wiped her hands with a kitchen towel.

"I've gotta talk to Shikamaru, we're going on a mission together tomorrow." I explain with a wide smile. "It's good to see you again, by the way."

She stares at me, her brows furrowing in concentration. I rubbed the back of my head bashfully as she keeps staring at me. She gasped aloud as her eyes started to sparkle. "Ren? Is that you?!" She basically shrieked. Then, she tackles me, hugging me tightly as she starts rambling wildly. "Oh, you sweet girl, you've finally come back! Oh, Shikamaru's been so sluggish without you coming by to wake his lazy ass up!" I snort and start laughing at her reaction. "He's in his room, sleeping. Be a dear and wake him up, will you?"

"No problem," I say as I stifle off my laughter. I navigate through the building, and up the stairs. Shikamaru's door is slightly ajar, and as I peer in, I have to check my breathing every once in a while. Shikamaru usually doesn't wear a shirt while he sleeps, but now that he's older, the years of shinobi training was defining his body very well. I slowly pushed the door open and stepped in. I sunk down besides his bed and started poking at Shikamaru's forehead. "Hey, it's time to wake up. Shikamaru~" I cooed softly. His eyes squeeze tighter before slowly fluttering open. "Morning, sleepy head~ Well, technically it's the afternoon." I explain cutely.

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