Chapter 27 -- The Death Of A Friend

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I stared in shock. He really was immortal. His severed head was talking, and complaining. "That hurts!" Hidan shouts as Kakuzu tightens his grip through his silver locks. "Hey, Kakuzu, you're pulling my hair! Do you mind?!"

"I would think your neck wound would hurt more." Kakuzu murmured. 

"You idiot, of course it does! It hurts like a son of a bitch! This is no ordinary injury, let me tell you!"

'How the-- How the hell?' Even Ameonna inside was reeling with disgust.

"Yeah, it really, really hurts, you know?!" Hidan barked. "You fools have no idea how incredibly painful it is having your head sliced off!"

"What's... What's going on?" I ask softly. "This doesn't... This doesn't make any sense..."

"Look on the bright side," Shikamaru mentioned through his panting. "Even if he's still alive, so long as he's not attached to his body, he can't perform any jutsu. He might be immortal, but he's completely useless."

"That's true," I mention. "But it still means one left to go..." Shikamaru attempted to get up, but let out a harsh cough, and slumped back to his knees. "Shikamaru!" I exclaim.

"Enough of this!" Kakuzu snarled, and a briefcase slams against my face. I shout out in agony and hit the ground-- hard. I hear Asuma shout in pain through the hazy feeling my heads going through.

"Cap--" I gasp out as I flop onto my stomach. The ringing in my ears are intense. "Captain--" I let out a bark of pain as Kakuzu slams his foot down on my leg. I hear the subtle crack through my body, and I fight from howling in pain.

I gaze through my bleary eyes as Kakuzu places Hidan's head back on his shoulders. "Since you asked for my help, I'm giving it, whether you want it or not."

Hidan scoffed. "Yeah, all right, fine." Hidan started complaining in pain again. "Hey, that hurts!"

"Just hold still," Kakazu snapped. I started trying to crawl towards Asuma to try and heal him. "That should do it. Don't even think about it, runt," Kakuzu snapped, and started towards me.

"Back together in one piece," I hear Hidan murmur as Kakuzu slams his foot down on my shoulder, stopping me in place. I hear another crack, and I start grinding my teeth.

"Don't move around too much or it'll fall off," Kakuzu snaps. "I took care of the Jinchuriki for you, so don't try and take the credit for this one."

"What in the world are we up against?" Izumo gasps.

"Your battle prep and repartee are as drawn out and tedious as your rituals." Kakuzu mentions. "Just stick with the cash cow."

"I better be sure to pay him back in spades," Hidan hummed. "It wouldn't do to violate the sacred commandments."

"Not that again," Kakuzu sighs. "Stop moving, or I'll break your neck, Jinchuriki," Kakuzu snarls down at me. "Leave the other three to me."

"Izumo!" Kotetsu shouts.

"Yeah, I know!" Izumo barks. Kakuzu's foot leaves my shoulder, and I push myself farther, and block Asuma's body with mine. I glare up at Hidan as my chakra starts bubbling against my body again.

Kakuzu fought with Izumo and Kotetsu, and Hidan just stared down at us. "Sounds like Kakuzu is just about worn out. I better cut this short, and step in. Otherwise, I'll have to keep hearing about how my rituals go on forever." Hidan mentioned. "Kid, just move, I can't exactly kill you, cause of that thing inside you. You can die later, okay?" He holds up his spear, and grins maniacally. "Nighty-night!"

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