The Kiss

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Tsukiyama swept into the apartment with his usual dramatic flair, exclaiming loudly, "Bonjour, monsieurs and mademoiselle!"

He clutched a bouquet of flowers ( acacias and gardenias), a confident smile on his face, as always when in the company of others.

Hinami was the only one who looked up, smiling widely at Tsukiyama. "Hi, flower man!!!!"

Banjo grunted and continued watching whatever tv show he was absorbed in, while Kaneki didn't respond at all, nose in a book. Shuu knew Kaneki was aware of his presence, but the half ghoul's inattention didn't discourage the gourmet. If anything, it made Shuu want to try harder.

He walked over to the vase of flowers from last week, wilted and dying, pulling them out and putting the new bouquet in their place.

"It is a beautiful day, non?" He inquired, spinning to face his companions.

Hinami once again was the only one who answered him. "Yes, it is!!! I wanted to go outside, but onii-chan said it was still too dangerous right now......"

"And he is absolutely right, little lady," Tsukiyama replied, taking a seat and crossing his legs. "It would be heartbreak if anything were to happen to you!"

It wasn't a lie. He had originally only wanted to get close to Hinami to get, by extension, closer to his dear Kaneki, but over the last couple months, he honestly had become fond of the young girl.

Kaneki's eyes flicked in Shuu's direction, and the gourmet felt his heart stutter.

'Calmato, calmato,' he thought, suddenly wanting to fan himself with his hand.

He once again looked at Hinami to distract himself. " But, once the situation calms down, I would be more than happy to take you out, little lady! We can go shopping, if you'd like!! And I know the most magnifique cat cafe we could go to as well!"

Hinami's face lit up, and he felt his chest swell with affection. "Really, flower man? That would be so fun!!!"

Kaneki frowned a little. "Hey. Even when it does become safe, what makes you think I'd let her go anywhere alone with you, Tsukiyama?"

Ouch. He dug around for a convincing smile. "Do not worry, Kaneki-kun!! The little lady would be safe with moi, that I can assure you."

The half-ghoul's eyes narrowed. "Can she really? I know how you are. How can I be sure you wouldn't do to her what you tried with me?"

Double ouch. Tsukiyama tried not to wince. In all actuality, he had not wanted to eat Kaneki for a long while now. He wasn't sure when his feelings had changed, exactly, when he had started seeing the white-haired as a friend ( little more than a friend, if he was honest) instead of food, but he definitely didn't want to eat Kaneki anymore. Not that anyone would believe him.

"I-I can promise that that is not and will not be the c-case," He finally managed.

To Tsukiyama's suprise, Hinami shot a glare at Kaneki. "Don't be mean, onii-chan!! I know flower man has done bad things, but I also know he has changed since then. He only wants to be nice and help! He wouldn't ever hurt me!"

Shuu felt his heart warm even more, and he beamed at the little lady, pleased. "Merci beaucoup, Hinami-chan."

Kaneki narrowed his eyes even more at Shuu, and the gourmet suddenly felt a spike of fear. He didn't particularly like being on the receiving end of the other's rinkaku, but the way Kaneki was glowering, by the end of the day, he would be one way or the other. He was considering making  an excuse to leave and avoid Kaneki's possible wrath when Hinami spoke again. "For hurting flower man's feelings, onii-chan, you have to give him a kiss!"

Tsukiyama almost choked on his tongue. "Th-that won't be necessary, little lady, I-"

She shut him up with a look just as Kaneki recovered his own voice with a flat, "No way in hell."

Banjo looked up with a confused expression. "What's going on?"

"Onii-chan owes flower man a kiss," Hinami proclaimed. Banjo raised an eyebrow.

Kaneki stood up, obviously about to try and escape to his room, but then Hinami added, "If you don't, Onii-chan, me and flower man are going out for the day, and you won't be able to stop us."

Shuu was now terrified. He glanced frantically at Hinami, silently willing her to stop this madness, but by the look on her face, he knew she wasn't going to budge.

Kaneki had obviously realized the same thing. He let out an aggravated sigh, stalking over to Tsukiyama quickly. The gourmet shrank back, but Kaneki reached him and caught him by the collar. Before he could do anything, a warm pair of lips met his, and he froze, eyes comically wide. Kaneki kissed him. Kaneki kissed him! He felt faint, and knew his face was an unpleasant tomato-red. It was over as quickly as it began, no time for Tsukiyama to reciprocate in any way, Kaneki straightening up and giving Hinami a look. She had her hands over her mouth and was giggling, while Banjo looked mildly horrified.

Shuu was bewildered, and Kaneki seemed to be too, as he asked for both of them, "What?"

Hinami grinned mischievously. "I meant a kiss on the cheek, onii-chan, but I suppose that works, too."

Kaneki went a shocking shade of pink. "Oh."

Then, without another word, without looking at Shuu, he quickly made a beeline to his room, the door slamming loudly. It was quiet for a moment, before a scream sounded, muffled as if by a pillow. The trio of ghouls sat silently after it ended, Banjo staring at Tsukiyama with shock and Hinami smiling happily. Shuu had never felt more embarrassed in his life. His long time crush, Kaneki Ken, had just kissed him. Kissed him!

He was sure he looked like a radish with purple hair.

Finally, Hinami broke the dead silence. "Do you want to watch a movie with me?"

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