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A scream echoed through an alleyway but it was swiftly cut off. Most of the neighbours thought that it was just some young kids playing about. But one of them knew better.

THUMP! The body of a 15yr old girl crashed to the floor, blood pouring out of a cut on her arm. Whimpering, she tried to stand but fell. There were bruises on her legs and a black eye on her face. Her attackers stalked up to her, each wearing crazy grins on their faces.

"We killed your parents little girl. And now we'll kill you."

Those words had haunted her every night since the day her parents died. She swept her long blonde hoar out of her face and said defiantly," I'll call the cops!"

The attackers just chuckled and continued advancing forward. Hesitantly, the terrified girl swung the kitchen knife in her hand. The men retreated, then advanced again, this time dodging the knife. They were just about to thrust a dagger into the girls chest when the was a slight disturbance in the air. Lots of things happened at once. The dagger flew out of Attacker 1's hand and into Attacker 2's arm. Attacker 2 screamed in pain whilst Attacker 1 glanced around the area with a slightly scared expression. He went over to the body of his friend and picked up his knife. Just as he picked it up, a figure came swooping down from the rooftops and kicked the remaining attacker in the face. The murderer crumpled immediately. Strolling towards Attacker 2, the mystery man - no, kid , clenched his hand into a fist and knocked out the first attacker.

The boy faced Chancelle and muttered under his breath," Stupid terrorist groups."

Upon hearing this, Chancelle decided that everything was all to crazy for her brain to handle and she blacked out.

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