Sasori leaves and Madara finds out

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Here's the part I said I would post today! So please comment and vote! Now onto the story!

Rin's POV

I woke up with my head resting on Sasori's chest. I looked round and remembered what happened last night. I blushed as I remembered. I just hope no other members of the Akatsuki heard us,I don't want to deal with them if they did. Especially if one of the members told Madara.

'Morning Rin'

I looked up and saw Sasori rubbing his eyes with his hand,and smiling at me.

'Sasori! Leader-sama told me who have a mission,un!'

Without any time for me and Sasori to move apart from each other, Deidara opened the door and stepped into the room.

'Sasori....Rin? What are you doing in here together? And why aren't you two wearing any clothes,hmm?'

I pulled the blanket further up my body and Sasori moved in front of me, so Deidara couldn't see any part of me.

'I know what you two did,un!!'

Deidara then ran out of the room,probably to tell the others.

'Rin,are you okay?'

I nodded but then shook my head.

'I hurt...all over.'

Sasori laughed.

'Of course you will! It was your first time! Anyway I hate to do this but I have to go and complete this mission, I will be back soon.'

Sasori then kissed me on my forehead and got ready to leave.

'Go back to asleep Rin. You look tired.'

I nodded and laid back down.

'I love you Rin.'

'I love you Sasori.'

Time- skip

Its been a few days since Sasori and Deidara left, I haven't seen Madara in a while, so hopefully he has disappeared. I was sitting in the living room, eating some dumplings that were left in the fridge.

'Aren't they mine?'

I looked up from my tv show, and saw Itachi staring down at me. I swallowed loudly.


'Did you find them in the fridge?'

I nodded.

'Then they are mine. Give them back!'

I quickly put the rest of dumpling in my mouth and swallowed them.

'See I don't have any dumplings! What were you talking about, Itachi?'

I smiled cheekily at Itachi.

'That's it! Now for your punishment.'

I paled.

'Please not that! I'll get you more dumplings! Just don't do that!'

Itachi smirked at me. Then he started..ticking me!

'Stop.... Itachi!'

'Rin, I need to talk to you. Now!'

Itachi stopped and I looked up to who just talked.


I started shaking with fear.

Madara came over and dragged me to his room. I avoided all eye contact with him.

'Is it  true?'

'What's true?'

'That you slept with Sasori?'

I slightly nodded my head.

'How many times do I need to tell you, YOUR MINE!'

I started shaking with more fear. I tried to back away and escape but Madara was blocking the door.

'What do I need to do, to make you know you are mine and no one else's'

Madara then leaned forward and started kissing me. I didn't kiss back but the he said if I didin't he would kill Neji and Sasuke. So kissed back to protect Neji's and Sasuke's lives. But the kiss felt so wrong. I belong with Sasori and no one else.

There you go, sorry if its short and bad but here it is. The next update will be up probably tomorrow. So please vote and com-met! Many thanks,Mooonlightgaby

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