Character Information

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Name: Saffron

Surname: Biggins

Nickname: Saff

Age: 18

Looks: top left corner


Name: Saffron

Surname: the hedgehog

Nickname: Saff

Age: 18

Looks: bottom right corner

Personality: curious, arty, silly, kind, nice, fun, funny, quick to temper, can be hyper, can be smart, rarely patient, caring, protective, joker, prankster, jumpy at times, makes others jump, creative, imaginative, sort of a bookworm and musical

Likes: chocolate, warm baths, shiny colours/things, Shadow, Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Espio, Charmy, Vector, Tails, Blaze, Cosmo, Emerl, Sliver, Rouge, Cream, Vanilla, Big and nature

Dislikes: G.U.N, eggman, guns, the dark, spiders, fighting, being alone

Powers: VERY good at martial arts, use chaos powers(different to shadows and is already there but is yet to be unlocked) and has the ability to create things out of thin air(E.G Weapons, Food and Objects)

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