• This is all a work of Fiction!
• Anything that is written here are my imagination except for the names of the members, songs and such.
• always Enjoy!
This Chapter will be a Suga's POV

I called my managers for a meeting, I told them it was important.

"Hello Min Yoongi" one of them said

"I need to know what NamJoon had told you" I looked at them coldly

"NamJoon? He hasn't said anything to us, are you guys hiding something from me?" PDmin said

"Huh? Stop lying" I tried to stay calm

"He honestly have said nothing to us Mr. Min" everyone agreed

I was frustrated.

"What do you mean?!" I put my hand on my head

"Nothing here are proof of his last meeting with us Mr. Min" I scanned

It really..


I left the building to drive to NamJoon's.

I banged on NamJoon's apartment.

And a happy NamJoon greeted me.

"How could u?!" I pushed him

"So you found out?" He chuckled



"I have an IQ of 148 and I can make Hoseok not walk for a few weeks, being the God of Destruction" he smirked annoyingly

"Get your hands off of Jhope I'm warning you" I said

He pinned me to the wall.

"You think I'm scared of you? May the competition begin" he shoved me out of his apartment


I moved back to Hoseok's.

I knocked.

No answer?

I grabbed my extra key to his house.

"Hello?" I heard screaming from Hoseok's room

"Sunshine!" I ran upstairs

"Fuck babe!" I heard Hoseok while looking at me

"Babe?" I saw him while watching something scary

"Baby!" He screamed

"What are you doing here?" He asked

I told him everything.

He pulled me into his lap.

And gave me kisses.

"Miss u cutie" and kissed my lips

I kissed back while I was laying on his arms.

Then someone rang the doorbell.

"Ugh" he sighed

He didn't put me down tho, I blushed.

He carried me downstairs to the door.

And opened it.

"Em I this light baby?" I giggled like a high school girl

He smiled at me and looked who was at the door

"NamJoon" I said

"What do you want?" Hoseok being cold



His sunshine has vanished although I'm still on his arms like a small baby.

I was embarrassed NamJoon is seeing this.

"Ha I see Strong Yoongi isn't so strong" he giggled at me

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Hoseok asked again but more furious

"And what do you care!" He said more

Hoseok was about to call Jin but NamJoon kissed him.

Right in front of me.


"If you want more of that I'm free to do so" NamJoon winked and left

"Wtf" i said and stood up

Hoseok ran to the bathroom and washed his mouth

"Ew ew ew ew ew" he looked funny but I was mad at NamJoon

"Babe I'm not letting you go alone with Joon" I said



We went back to work together again.

I sat next to Hoseok and held his thighs, the only thing that keeps me calm, next to his kisses and hugs.

"Ah I see Hoseok come on over, it's time for us to dance once again" NamJoon smiled

I held tighter but making sure not to hurt my baby

"No" I said out of context

"What do you mean? We already streamed it on the audience on who's partnered with who and Yoongi, I'm the leader"

Hoseok kissed my cheeks

"Sorry baby" he whispered


[Sunshine meter] A Sope Story Where stories live. Discover now