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    I think not knowing who and when or if you are losing people and relationships in your life is really hard. They have your heart and they get to decide what to do with it.
    Sometimes you lose friends or family or significant others. Not one of them hurts any less. All you can do is tell them your love and feelings and communicate and hope they do in return. Its scary, especially when it is more than one person or relationship at once. They all hurt no less than the others.
    I'm losing people and relationships and its actually terrifying. My biggest fear is losing all the people I care most about and it feels like it is happening. I know I cant assume but I have got feelings about what way things will go and my heart and brain and gut are all fighting each other in what I feel will happen. None of it is all about me and same goes for anyone else, but if your feelings or mine are being affected it is valid for you to hurt. Never ever is it not valid or okay.
    Anything you feel is valid. Hurt, sadness, love, compassion, pain, happiness, and so on. It is all valid and okay. We are humanity and as humans we feel. Sometimes feelings may feel irrational but either way you feel them therefore they are rational.
    You have to be your own happiness even when it feels like the world is crashing in. That's hard to do but you just have to. When you have all these things going wrong your vision of the world goes to a window size. Your vision of the world needs to go to a sky size. There is so much good around you that goes unnoticed. There are so many beautiful places and animals and words and art. Let creativity be an outlet or activeness. If you are bad at drawing or painting or writing or sports anything it doesn't matter. That is your thing and no one can tell you it's wrong because it isnt. As long as you are feeling happier it will be okay.

It will get better.

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