Chapter 16- The Park

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The next day I didn't want to see TJ but I knew I would have to. I would ask him what happened in first period. It was Friday and tonight's show would be good so I wouldn't let TJ ruin this day for me. I walked to first period gathering myself. I walked through the door and took my seat. TJ wasn't there yet so I had time to worry a little more. He walked through the door wearing a gray sweatshirt and jeans. I took a deep breath as he walked towards our seats. I smiled at him.

"Hey how was the show last night?" his words hurt. He hadn't gone. I looked down at my hands in my lap.

"It was good. I think I did pretty well," I explained trying not to break.

"That's good. I'm sorry I couldn't come," I looked up at him, "My parents were fighting and I didn't want my little brother to have to hear it so I took him out. When we got back it was too late for me to go to the show. I would have texted you but I got it taken away. I'm so sorry! I want to come, believe me," He explained himself. I wanted to hug him so badly but I knew I couldn't.

"It's okay. We still have 3 more shows," I smiled at him.

"Yea, I'm going to try to come tonight. I can't promise it though," He explained.

"Well if you have to, you can bring Max," I suggested.

"Yea maybe I will," he said.

I was happy. He hadn't blown me off. I smiled for the rest of the day.

I stood in the boys dressing room, the nerves catching up to me. I hoped TJ was there. I knew tonight's show would be a good turn out and I wanted him to be a part of that. When I stepped onto the stage my nerves once again disappeared. The audience was full and I didn't dare search for the blonde who said he wanted to come. I had fun like the night before and I didn't let him control my performance. I did my best and that was all that mattered.

After the show, we once again celebrated in the dressing room. I pulled on a pair of flannel pajama pants and the show t-shirt. I prepared myself for what was about to happen next. I placed my mic in the box with my number and continued down the hallway. I could hear the people behind the bulletin board that blocked off the back hallway. I saw all the people there and once again met my family. My grandparents were there and they showered me with praise. After talking to them for a few minutes I turned around to find TJ standing by the wall waiting for me. I pushed through people making my way over to him.

"TJ," I called out to him.

"Cyrus! My man, you did so good!" He said. I threw my arms around him into a hug. My arms were wrapped around his neck and he held around my back. He held me tightly. We stayed that way for what felt like years. When we let go I smiled at him.

"Thank you for coming," I said.

"You're welcome. Hey, are you going anywhere tonight?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No, I was invited to go to dinner with some of the cast but I don't really want to go."

"Do you want to hang out?" He asked.

"Sure," I smiled, "I have to go pack up my stuff but I can meet you back here when I finish. It'll be fast."

We sat in the park. It was dark around us. We had been outside long enough to be able to see. We sat on the bench looking at the stars. I was sitting close enough to him to feel his shoulders move up and down as he breathed.

"Cyrus?" I looked at him. His hands were in his lap and he was looking down at them.

"Yea?" I asked quietly. He sounded nervous.

"There's no girl," he spat.


"You know how I asked you for advice about a girl?" I nodded, "Well there is no girl. The person I like is you. I wanted to see what you wanted me to do."

"TJ?" He looked up at me. I could tell he was scared, "I like you too. I always have."

He smiled. I looked into his eyes. Both of us turned on the bench to face each other. He scooted closer to me, our knees touching. His eyes were bright in the night and all I wanted to do was kiss him. He placed his hand on the side of my face. Once again I could feel his breath my face. My head was in a whirl. His lips collided with mine and I relaxed into him. He smelt like mint and cologne. We sat on the bench kissing in the dark. My heart was flying in my chest. It felt right. It felt like we should have been doing this our whole life. When we pulled away from each other my hand found his. I placed our hands in my lap and traced his fingers with my other hand. We sat there on the bench in perfect silence. I placed my head on his shoulder and he placed his head on mine. We sat like that for a few minutes and it was perfect. 

I can not decide what my favorite chapter is! This story has come so far since I started it and I am starting to become so proud of it! I hope you are enjoying it. Sadly it has to come to an end soon! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I have been waiting to write this chapter for the longest time! See you in the next part!

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