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Every night I watched. I watched her eyelids flutter, as a dream imprinted itself on her eyelids. I watched her chest rise and fall as she breathed. I longed for her to come back with me. I missed her, Neverland missed her.

My gaze fell onto her smile. A perminent, soft smile. Like her mother's. Jane reminded me of her mother, Wendy. I crept into her room. A single clump of hair had fallen into her face. With the back of my hand, I gently brushed it away. She was beautiful,much like her mother. It made me upset every time I had to leave for Neverland,even though I knew I would see her the next night.

I took my usual spot on her desk and wrote her another letter. I would do this most nights so she would never think I had forgotten her.

I signed off the letter,but as I did,a warm a warm, salt tear rolled down my cheek, and landed on the paper. The ink around bled outwards and turned purple at the edges.

I quickly rubbed my eyes, placed the letter under her pillow and made my way to the window. I let the wind take me. I was is no good mood to put much effort into anything.

2nd star to the right and straight on till morning... But I never made it back. I was so close. I thought about her, Jane I mean. I realised why I was so upset, why I wanted her by my side, every single second of every single day. Love. Love was this strange sensation I was feeling. And I had to chase it...

When I Came BackWhere stories live. Discover now