Chapter 14

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I drove back to Gordon's car, and he fitted the wire. He inserted a small camera in my daypack and showed me the footage on his laptop.

"I'll see and hear everything. If you see anyone suspicious, point the bag at them. I'll check them out."

"Okay. What if she does have someone watching me. Do you think it's a cop?"

"Who would know?" shrugged Gordon. "It may be a bluff."

"Okay. Let's get this over with. Sam should still be at the house. Hopefully, Grant and Lou are there too. I'd rather tell this to someone I don't know."

"I'll be parked down the road from the station. If you need my help say something about going to the beach. I'll come running." Gordon squeezed my shoulder.

I nodded and opened the car door, pausing to scope out the street and surrounding properties. Satisfied that there was no one watching us, I jumped out, slammed the door closed and returned to my car.

"Testing testing," I whispered and looked in my rear vision mirror. Gordon gave me the thumbs up. I waved and pulled out onto the deserted street.

Gordon didn't follow me. Instead, I saw him do a u-turn and drive the opposite way. I rehearsed what I was going to say all the way to the police station. I pulled into the car park and shut down the engine. I quickly glanced around the car park and the street. There were a few cars parked there. Only two were occupied. I got out of the car and pretended to look for something in my bag as I pointed the camera towards the occupied cars, hoping that Gordon got the number plates and perhaps a look at the drivers.

"Here we go," I mumbled, walking towards the station's front entrance. I took a deep breath as I opened the door and walked to the reception desk.

I told an officer who was behind the desk who I was and that I wished to give another statement.

He tilted his head and told me to wait at the desk. A minute later another older man walked out into the reception area.

"Adrienne Lockley?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Sam's sister?" he asked.


"Come through." He opened the door and motioned me through. I followed him to a desk. He pointed to a chair. "Have a seat. What can I do for you?"

"I would like to make another statement about my involvement at the Kaber's Maleny property."

"I see. Did you remember something?" he asked, typing notes on a computer.

"I'd like to amend the statement I made the other day. I was in a state of confusion. I think I made some statements that might have been...made in haste."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, I might have jumped to conclusions that might not have been valid." My heart raced as the officer stared at me for a while.

"Okay," he said slowly. "What did you want to change?"

"I would like to withdraw my comments about Janet Cartwell's involvement. I have thought more about it, and I think she was only up at the Maleny property to free Nick, as she believed that he was being held against his will by his daughters."

"Is that true?' he asked. "Do you know that the Kaber sisters were holding Nick captive?"

"No, I don't. That's what Janet believes." I wasn't helping Janet in her quest to blame the sisters for Nick's disappearance and captivity.

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