A Friendly Visit

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I met up with Eli at my locker. It was 1:30 P.M. We had about half an hour to see Ms. Dawes. We walked to her room without saying a word.

Her door was open. Eli knocked. She saw us and said,"Eli! Clare! Come in!" Eli put both hands behind his back.

"Eli, still writing Gothic Fiction?" Asked Ms. Dawes.

He replied,"Nope! I'm a whole different person. Thanks to this girl of course. Now i'm an NYU student, I work here, and i'm married to Clare"

She looked surprised. "Congrats! So, what do I owe you for the special visit?"

I said,"Oh we just wanted to stop by and say hey. And of course thank you. We wouldn't have turned out to be like who we are right now without you. Eli and I wouldn't have been accepted to our dream schools if you weren't in our lives" Eli nodded.

"Well, it was great seeing you again. We have to get to Clare's council meeting" said Eli.

"Bye" said Eli and I at the same exact time. Our former teacher waved to us as we walked out of the classroom.

It felt good to visit the place Eli and I got to get to know each other at. There were so many memories that we shared there.

Ugh now I have to go to a meeting. I like them, but this one was going to be hard. And I also had no idea why Eli was coming.

Degrassi: The Story Of The Un-Expected (Eclare Fan-Fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now