Chapter 2

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Viola's POV:

Out of the portal, I was looking around in amazement. It's so beautiful just like my world which I was born on. I decided to do some sightseeing and then at night I decided to rest.

Infinite's POV:

I kept on walking, until I was spotted by that notorious hedgehog,....... Shadow the hedgehog.

"Infinite, we meet again", Shadow said.

Shadow gave me a mad face.

"And let me guess, you're here to finish me off", I said.

He gave me a grin.

'Yeeup, he's going to kill me' I thought.

I then start to run away from him which I know he is the ultimate lifeform.


I kept on running as fast as I can, until I lost him. I lost him. As I kept getting away from Shadow, my ear suddenly twitched. I thought I was alone, but I start searching for something that made my ear twitched.

Shadow's POV:

Infinite thought he lost me for good, because I am above him watching his every move. Suddenly, I see his ear twitched and then my ear also twitched, but not only that I felt some strange energy, but it's different. But whatever it is. It's not chaos energy.
So I continued to follow him.
    Why did Infinite's and Shadow's ears twitched? What is this strange non-chaos energy Shadow is feeling?

      Find out in Chapter 3

Love Is Always Infinite (Infinite x my OC) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now