Chapter 26: A Visit from the Past

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Lea's POV

I am exploring Mystic Jungle, looking at the animals.

"I love nature", I said.

I was walking along a river and I accidentally tripped and scratched my knee and it hurts. I was walking to the Resistance HQ, but sadly I got lost.

"Who are you?" A female voice asked.
"I'm Xena Flame the jackal", I answered.

"What are you here doing in Mystic Jungle, Xena?" A female voice ask.

"I was just exploring the jungle and I accidentally tripped and scraped my knee near a river", I said.

"Xena, why not we help you?" The female voice said.

"Um, sorry, I can't, my mom and dad told me not to trust strangers", I said.
"Well, what's your mom's name?" The female voice asked.

"I can't tell you", I said.

"Your father's name is Infinite", the female voice said.

"Wait, how do you know my dad's name?" I asked.

The female voice revealed to be a black jackal who looks like dad but with both eyes yellow.

"I'm Claire the Jackal, come Lea me and the others will help you", Claire introduced.
"You're one of my dad's squadmates?" I asked.
"Yes", Claire said.

I go with Claire and she took me to a cave with a fire still burning and there were three male jackals.

"Claire! Who is this?" One of the jackals asked.

"This is Xena, she's our boss's daughter", Claire said.

"What!? I didn't know that he would land a girl and have kids", another one said.

"I'm Lance the Jackal", Lance introduced. Lance is a black jackal with a green bandana.

"I'm Chase the Jackal", Chase introduced. Chase is a jackal with the bandages.

"And I'm Ace the Jackal", Rocky introduced. Ace is the Jackal wearing a red bandana scarf.

"I'm Xena Flame the Jackal", I introduced myself.

"Lance, Ace, Chase, I brought her here, because she scraped her knee when she accidentally tripped along a river", Claire explained.
"Xena, we'll get you patched up okay?" Chase said.
"Okay", I said.

*In the Phantom Realm*

Infinite's POV

Xena has been gone for a long time. Viola and I are worried sick.

"Infinite, we need the Resistance and Spitfire", my wife said.
"What's going on?" Kaze asked.
"Lea is missing", I said.

We brought the kids along to the Resistance HQ.

*At the Resistance HQ*

Espio, Charmy, Silver, Knuckles, Whisper, and Sonic were the only ones who were able to come.

"Everyone, we are gathered here because Xena is missing", I said.
"Where is she?" Charmy asked.
"She was exploring Mystic Jungle, so we are going to search for her", Viola explained.
"Viola, do you have Xena's fur?" Spitfire asked.
"Yes", I said.

We all head to Mystic Jungle, and I had Spitfire sniff Xena's fur and she starts sniffing out for her.

*Meanwhile at the Cave*

Claire's POV

Xena tells us stories about her mother's adventures and she has been a good girl and how mature she is at her age.

*Back with the group*

Infinite's POV

Spitfire led us to a cave.

"I will go first okay", I said.
"Okay", everyone said.

I climb up the 2 yards wall and I took a peek at the entrance of the cave and I see Xena talking to 4 jackals and somewhat they look familiar I just can't put my finger on it. I got up.

"Xena, you're okay", I said.
"Dad?" Xena said.

The jackals turned around to look at me. I can't believe it. I thought Shadow kill them. Its the Jackal Squad.

"Infinite?" Claire said.
"Boss!?" Lance said.

Viola came up behind me.

"Infinite!" Viola said.
"Viola", I said.

I helped Viola up and look back at the squad.

"MOM!" Xena said.

Me and Viola run towards Xena and gave her a hug.

"Xena, we were worried sick", Viola said.
"I'm sorry for scaring you like that", Xena apologized.

Kaze and Amber came into the cave and gave Xena a hug.

"Wait, Where's Everest?" I asked.
"OWW!" Lance shouted.

We all looked at Lance and saw a chunk of Lance's fur in Everest's mouth.

Lance's POV

A small white jackal with light blue eyes rip a chunk of my fur and spit it out.

"You are in big trouble, you little runt", I said.

I tried to get him, but he was swift and fast for his age.

"Everest, stop!" Viola said.
"Mom! *to me* hehe, sucker", Everest said.

"Why is he so troublesome?" I asked.

"He's a troublemaker", the male white and black jackal with Infinite's eyes said,"I'm Kaze by the way".

"I'm Amber", the white, but is a little black jackal with Infinite's eyes said.

*Time Skip*

Infinite's POV

Spitfire decided to have the Jackal Squad as a recon team to steal information with Viola.

What will happen next for the Flame family, the Resistance, the Jackal Squad, and Lightwatch?

Find out in Chapter 27.

Love Is Always Infinite (Infinite x my OC) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now