Chapter Two

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Lin-Manuel Miranda.

I couldn't believe it. My first celebrity shoot and it was Lin-Manuel Miranda. Of course...he was in Mary Poppins Returns too.

He was someone I'd always really liked and admired. It was hard not to. I wouldn't go as far as being obsessed.... Alright, so there was that time where I had the Moana soundtrack on a loop in my car for weeks on end...and if there was ever a point in my life where I said that I was bored of Hamilton, I'd give anyone my full permission to shove me off the end of a cliff.

But still...I was more what you might call a casual fan. So yes, maybe it was best that I hadn't been told beforehand who it was. Probably would've only made me even more stressed!

"Hey, {Y/N}!" a voice greeted me cheerfully.

I looked up and smiled to see Craig, the stylist in charge of coordinating Lin's wardrobe for the shoot. I'd worked with him before on previous jobs and was the closest thing to a best friend I had here.

As we waited for our guest to get changed into his new set of clothes, Craig sidled over to me.

"Welllll, look who's doing their first big grown up shoot then?" he crowed.

"Aw, don't," I begged him with a groan, "I feel sick enough as it is."

"It'll be fine, honey, don't worry!" Craig soothed, moving round behind me to massage my shoulders in an attempt to ease my tension, and continued,

"Can you believe it though? I get to dress Lin-Manuel Miranda..." He let out a gleeful little squeal like a kid on Christmas morning, "I can't even! My life is complete! Mmm...but there again," he added in a whisper, his eyes glittering wickedly, "I wouldn't mind undressing him either. Wouldn't kick him out of bed, that's for sure."

My eyes widened as I stared round at him, giving a small gasp and a laugh, "Craig, you shameless hussy! Can't believe you just said that."

"What? Aw, come on. You can't tell me you wouldn't, either," he smirked.

"Never even crossed my mind," I replied airily as I set about fitting the right lens onto my camera and reorganising my equipment into my bag.

When I glanced up, I saw Craig was giving me a sceptical look, an eyebrow arched.

"It hasn't!" I said, swatting him playfully on the arm.

"Really? Girl, are you blind?"

I rolled my eyes at him good-naturedly, "You're sex mad, you are."

"I take that as a compliment. But you'll soon change your tune once you see what I've got him wearing," Craig told me in a slightly sing-song voice.

He really wasn't helping.

"Look, stop, will you. I know he's famous and all but he is a person and a human being...not some object to lust over - okay, wow..."

I broke off when the man himself walked back into the room, before he was sat down by a couple of makeup artists, their brushes poised and at the ready.

Now I never really imagined myself the type to get star struck. But even I could not fail to be impressed by Craig's handiwork. Alright, I had to admit it...Lin did look very handsome in this new outfit the stylist had him now wearing...

A russet-coloured jacket, over a dark brown waistcoat which flatteringly hugged at his frame with matching trousers; a pale blue-grey shirt, loosely-fastened checkered tie and his braces were left undone, hanging with a sort of casual elegance down at his sides. And just to complete this vision of loveliness, he had a cap perched over his dark hair. In short...he looked so dapper!

Nowhere To Go But Up ⋆ Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant