( 007 ) THE BROTHER.

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"Surprise! Bonnie said you were doing dinner, so we brought dessert." Evelyn immediately knew who it was from the chirpy tone. She got up from her seat and walked towards her twin, as Stefan followed in pursuit.

"Oh," is all Elena said.

Evelyn was now in the doorway now with Elena as she gave Caroline a look. She still felt iffy from the argument that her and her sister had earlier today, and Evelyn was one for keeping a grudge.

"Hey Ev." Caroline smiled brightly at her sister, sweeping whatever happened between them today, under the rug.

Evelyn crossed her arms. "Hi," she replied back in a stern voice as Caroline's smile faltered, from the harsh tone.

"Hope you don't mind," Damon said as Evelyn gave him a look up and down. His black hair was swept to the side as he adorned black jeans and a shirt with a leather jacket. Much different to how Stefan presented himself, Evelyn noted. How are they both so hot? As she met his eyes, he smirked at her, catching her in the act of checking him out. She widened her eyes and coughed, looking away.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asked, sternly, as he stood beside her. Evelyn could clearly see that he didn't want his brother here.

"Waiting for Elena to invite me in." Damon smirked as his gaze moved to Elena. Evelyn could hear the obvious underline of his words.

"Oh, yeah, you can..."

Stefan cut her off. "No, no, no. He can't, uh...he can't stay. Can you, Damon?" Evelyn could sense the hostility between them and it made everybody else slightly awkward.

"Get in here," Caroline chided as she stepped into Elena's house.

"We're just...finishing up," Stefan added. Evelyn furrowed her brows, why was he so adamant on his brother not coming in?

"It's fine. Just come on in." Stefan clinched his fist as he realised what happened. Damon's been invited in and he knew this was a way to torment his brother even more.

"You have a beautiful home, Elena," Damon acknowledged as he walked in, still wearing the smirk he had on.

"Thank you." Elena smiled, slightly, not really comfortable.

All of them were sitting in Elena's living room as they listened to Caroline go on and on about today's events, as she sat on Damon's lap. Evelyn found her extremely annoying as she sat next to Bonnie, who was feeling slightly awkward with not one Salvatore in the room, but two. 

"I cannot believe that Mr. Tanner let you on the team. Tyler must be seething. But good for you. Go for it," Caroline gave encouragement to Stefan as she smiled widely. 

"That's what I always tell him. You have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it." Evelyn could tell her didn't mean what he said. In a way, it kind of sounded like he was taunting his brother. 

"Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp. God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines." Evelyn glared at her sister as her blood started to boil. She was only saying these things because Damon was here and it was annoying the crap out of her. 

"I'll work with her. She'll get it," Bonnie reassured her as she tried taking some of the pressure off of Elena. 

"I guess we can put her in the back," she said mindlessly. Evelyn was pulling at her lip as she tried desperately not to shut her sister back. 

"You know, you don't seem like the cheerleader type, Elena," Damon spoke up. Evelyn felt bad for Elena as she glanced at her. The girl was clearly uncomfortable with what was being spoken of her.

Before Elena could speak for herself, Caroline piped in. "Oh, it's just 'cause her parents died. Yeah, I mean, she's just totally going through a blah phase. She used to be way more fun. And I say that with complete sensitivity."

"Can you stop talking?" Evelyn hissed as everybody looked at her with surprise, Caroline giving her more of a hurt look. Evelyn didn't care if she sounded like a bitch, there was times her sister needed to shut her mouth. 

"I'm sorry, Elena. I know what it's like to lose both your parents," Damon said, with fake empathy. "In fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person we've ever cared about die." Stefan and Damon looked at each other as Evelyn furrowed her brows. Something was clearly going on between them. 

"We don't need to get into that right now, Damon."

"Oh, you know what, you're right, Stef. I'm sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was bring her up. Mmm."

Evelyn finally decided to form her opinion on Damon and unfortunately, it wasn't a good one. Even though he was good looking, he didn't seem to have a nice personality. He liked to stir his brother up and whatever came out of his mouth, seemed ungenuine and a jab at Stefan. Evelyn was starting to have doubts about Caroline dating him and they were certainly going to have a talk about him when they got home. 


Stefan and Bonnie were talking more about witches, as Caroline and Evelyn were sitting on the couch, silently, not speaking a word to each other. There was tension between them and as stubborn as they both were, not one of them was going to be the first one to start up a conversation. Evelyn was popping her knee up and down as she rested her head in her hand, wanting nothing more than to go home and sleep. She could see from the side of her eye that Caroline was looking at her, probably giving her daggers. 

"Would you stop that?" Caroline snapped at Evelyn, who kept popping her knee up and down. Both Stefan and Bonnie's conversation died down to watch the scene unfold before them. 

Evelyn rolled her eyes. "If you don't like it, then you can kindly piss off," she sneered.

"Okay, what is your problem?" Caroline questioned as she continued to glare at her sister. She really didn't know what she had done to deserve this treatment from Evelyn. 

"My problem is," she paused as she turned her body towards Caroline. "Is that you're selfish. I was so worried about you today and you didn't care that I genuinely thought something bad happened to you. And not to mention, your comments towards Elena tonight. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You're kidding, right? The reason you have been upset with me this whole time, was because I didn't call or message you? I'm not a baby, for god's sake." Caroline laughed as she looked at Evelyn like she had gone mad. 

Evelyn got up from her seat, not wanting to deal with her anymore. "I'm so sorry that I care, Caroline." She turned towards Bonnie and Stefan, and stopped in her tracks, feeling embarrassed that they were listening. Bonnie looked at her with sadness and Stefan had a look of understanding on his face. "I'm going to go see if Elena needs help with the dishes," she announced and walked off towards the kitchen. 

my writing in this is terrible and I really didn't wanna publish it, but I haven't updated in a long time and needed to bring something out for you guys. I promise the next chapter will be better. 

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