1-A x reader pt#1

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You sighed long and deep,  careful so that no one would hear you. Truth be told,  you were not very mentally stable at the moment. Half of your family was at the hospital because a gas leak spread where your family lived. You didn't get affected since you moved to be able to go to U.A (Yueii)

"Y/N! Want to go to the mall!"
You cursed under your breath and turn around to face Tsuyu. You smiled the best smile you could force and told her you were 'to busy'.

You wanted to just go home. Throw yourself on your bed and cry  your feelings out. It wasn't pretty,  but it did work, temporarily, by taking a bit of energy and happiness of tomorrow.

You walked out of the classroom last, everyone seemed to leave you alone.

'great not even my classmates want to talk to me'
You walked home,  you stopped by a flower shop to buy some flowers so you can go visit your family later.
Oh, and before I forget, none of your classmates know that your family is in the hospital. As you were opening the door,  you received a phone call from the hospital.

"Hello, is this Y/N L/N?"

"Yes this is her(or him). Is something wrong.?"

"We wanted to advise you to come to the hospital at this moment. One of your family members, Father/Name,  is acting up,  we don't know if he'll make it"

"I'll be right there,  at what time should I be there?

"In 30 minutes would be best ma'am(mister)"

"OK thank you"

You hung up the phone,  you grabbed your phone, keys, and backpack,  in case you had to stay all night you could do the homework over there.

"If I go on foot,  the hospital would be a 50 minute walk,  I wouldn't make it in time. Taking a bus would help by 15 minutes, though I would still be late.  I'm going to have to call my aunt to pick me up."

You quickly got your phone and called  your aunt,  hopefully she'll give you a ride. The thought of losing your father kicked in. Tear after tear went down your face. Then suddenly you heard a noise. From the couch, you saw... a hand. As you were going to go to it,  your aunt answered,  she said she'll give you the ride. By now, your face was soaked from all the tears. You started sobbing in your "corner".

"shh she'll hear us."

Okay you definitely heard that.  You walked toward the noise and, this time saw multiple hands, and ALL your classmates,  hiding in the dark. Every.  single.  one.  of.  them. They had all seen you at this horrible state.
Their faces held guilt,  sadness, and surprised. You. The girl who never cries and is always strong. Before you could speak a word, a honk was heard from the porch. You left after saying.

"It would be best if you all leave,  I won't be coming back tonight."

With that, you slammed the door, leaving them dumbfounded.

Izuku POV

"Y/N-chan... "
I softly said. I wonder what could be wrong, she's always so strong and happy.
The whole class decided to surprise her since she had been feeling really down. She didn't even focus on class anymore!

"I'm going after her,  I need to see what's wrong. "

"Kachan.  Wait!"

Before I could even say anything to him he sped off.

'If he's going then I'm going to'
I ran after Y/N-chan's car

As I ran after Kachan I could hear the commotion of the rest of our peers trying to catch up as well.

"Wait! This is the direction of the hospital, is she hurt. Maybe a family member is hurt. Then why didn't she come to us for help."
I kept mumbling incoherent noises.


As kachan turned to me, he hit a pole. It was funny, but I'd surely die if I laughed. Without realizing we all stopped at Kachan's accident, forgetting about Y/N.


You panted as you ran through the hospital to find that one room.


You yelled as you entered. It hurt, seeing the man who cared for you and took care of you. The one who encouraged all your dreams

Dun dun dun!!
To be continued.

Okay!! Quick author's note, I hit 1k. OH SHITTTT. I'm so happy.
I swear I'm not crying
You are
Comment what you think I should do to celebrate, no comments will be left unheard!! Goodbye, see you later,

Btw sorry for taking so long to post.

Author-chan out~

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