the beginning of a war

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We start off in a field with a cliff in the back where armies faced each other looking ready for battle.

On one side stood the the army of Reynar which stood with its back towards the cliff

On the other the army of voldenhome.

Let me explain why this is happening,  Reynar was a man in his mid 20s and wanted to conquer new land and the nearest area was voldenhome and there was also the fact that he hated voldenhome for the reason that most of their people destroyed his home village to construct new buildings on the property, they weren't even given a new area to stay in so they had to survive in the wild.

So he rallied his men towards Voldenhome in an attempt to capture it for his own kingdom, he was a tyrant.

On voldenhome's side there was a blonde man also in his mid 20s, he was no leader of voldenhome but he was the strongest warrior the village had.

So he lead the charge while Reynar sat on his horse in the back of his army, there were rumors that Reynar used magic to win and to conquer new land.

Vargo sat on his horse and charged into reynar's army and swung his sword violently from side to side, up and down and eventually he made an opening through the army to Reynar.

Voldenhome's army had just clashed with Reynar's army leaving vargo and Reynar in a face off.

Reynar wore no armor but brandished a long sword while vargo wore chain mail armour with a long sword.

Reynar backed up towards the cliff to the point if he took one more step he would fall of onto the jagged rocks under the water below

Vargo charged at Reynar at full speed but as soon as he reached Reynar a small black cloud formed revealing that Reynar had completely disappeared and vargo and his horse fell off the cliff onto the spikes below.

When the army arrived at the scene they saw nothing, they were surprised that their champion was gone maybe he sacrificed himself for the greater good they thought, vargo's sword was left behind so they knew he had died so to honor him they took his sword and mounted on top of the door of the town hall

The vikings of voldenhome: Also, Time TravelWhere stories live. Discover now