Part 2

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Bucky had arrived at the shop five minutes later than normal.  He walked into the small brick building that sat right on the edge of town, and braced himself for the onslaught.  "Five minutes late Buck.  Y/n have a line this morning?" 

Bucky shot a dirty look at Steve, then a glare to the laughing Sam who was sat in his chair.  "Move it Wilson."

Sam just continued to laugh as raised himself off the chair, plopping next to Steve on the couch.   "And she didn't have a line, I was the first one there."

"So why were you late?  Did you finally ask her out?"  Steve sits up eagerly, both him and Sam listening intently.  The relationship between the two of you was like having their own personal reality show to watch.   They were fully invested and shipped the two of you hard.

"I asked but we got interrupted by the Parker kid.  Did you know my mom went to see her?"  Bucky had a silly look on his face that had Steve snickering and Sam rolling his eyes.

"That's like the 5th time that kid has cockblocked you.  You don't think he's after your girl do ya?"  Sam laughed at his own joke.  It was pretty well known that Peter Parker was a permanent resident of Buzz.

Bucky shot Sam a dirty look while Steve leaned back in his chair looking at Bucky clearly deep in thought.  "You know Sam may have a point.  Bet the Parker kid knows quite a bit about Y/n."

Steve didn't have to finish his sentence before Bucky was picking up on his train of thought.  "We can pay him a visit later, we gotta get to work."


3 o'clock on the dot, Peter Parker was walking out of school with not a care in the world.  He had done wonderful on his test and he finally got to talk to his crush.  He was floating on clouds, he had a big smile on his face and he was heading to Buzz for his afternoon coffee.

Well he was, until his eyes met the gaze of Bucky, Steve, and Sam.  His mind immediately flashed back to the morning, he had very clearly interrupted something.  After Bucky had left Y/n had made his coffee and even though she had told him it was no big deal, he could see the disappointment on her face.

Now he was looking at the three toughest men in town and he gulped hard.  He thought about running the other way, but he knew he would never out run the bikes.  Well at least he got to talk to his crush before he died.

"Hey Parker come here for a minute."  Bucky watched with a straight face as Peter walked towards him slowly.

As soon as he was in front of Bucky he immediately began talking.  "Mr. Barnes, sir, I'm really sorry about this morning I didn't mean to interrupt, I just needed coffee and I wasn't thinking cause I have this crush and this test, and please don't kill me."

Sam and Steve snickered while Bucky chuckled a bit before placing his hand on Peter's shoulder, causing him to jump a bit,  "Calm down kid, I'm not gonna hurt ya, just need a favor from ya."

Before Peter knew it, he was on the back of Steve's bike and the men were heading back to the shop. 

Peter sat on the metal stool Bucky had motioned him to and he was once again being stared at by the trio. "Okay Parker, I need some help."

Peter looked at Bucky in awe, he wanted his help?  He was scared only for a moment when he realized this was his chance, this was the moment he would prove to his crush he wasn't just some nerd.  "What'd ya need?  Do you need me to deliver a package?  No one would suspect me if you wanted to put a wire on me, I could totally be an informant."

Bucky couldn't help but let out a laugh at Peter's wild imagination, "No kid, this is going to be much more important than any of that.  I need to know everything you know about Y/n"

Peter couldn't help the disappointed look on his face,  that was it?  That was all he needed from him, just some facts he could find out for himself?  Bucky took Peter's silence as reluctance instead of confusion.

"Name your price kid, this is important to me so I'm willing to pay."  Steve and Sam had moved to the couch to watch the interaction, they looked on curiously as to what Peter would ask for.

He thought for a moment looking around the room, his eyes landed on Steve's leather jacket that was laid on a workbench.   Everything clicked in that moment, he could use this to prove to Simon that he was cool.

"I want a cool leather jacket like you guys wear.  And I want you guys to take me to school tomorrow and make it seem like I did you guys a huge favor, like a dangerous one."  Bucky looked at him, humor showing all over his face.   He turns to Sam and Steve for their approval and both nod with grins spreading on their faces.

"You got a deal kid, so spill the info."

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