Part 5

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6 Months Later....

You smile to yourself as you place a sign on the door of Buzz. You were closing the shop for the day for a private party. Bucky was due to meet you any minute. Your one date with Bucky had turned to two then 50. It seemed if you weren't at work, you were with the biker. Sam called him whipped and Steve had taken to smiling at the two of you like an idiot whenever he was around you both.

Peter was graduating high school and he made a point to invite you and Bucky, to which you offered to host his party at Buzz. You smile again glancing at the invitation that was pinned to the corkboard by the front door.

Your mind flashes back to when Peter handed the invitation to Bucky. You had expected to be invited and were slightly shocked when Peter handed the cream envelope to Bucky and not you.

You had just set down Bucky's coffee in front of him, when Peter burst into Buzz completely out of breath. He was wearing his leather jacket he had been given from the club. You were pretty convinced he hadn't taken it off since it was handed to him. You gave him a big smile and waited for him to ask for his usual drink. Only this time he turned to Buck and extended the envelope to him.

"Bucky, this is an invitation for my graduation." Bucky had looked at you and then back to Peter, then to you once again.

You almost burst out laughing. You could tell Peter was nervous and Bucky surprised, both trying to keep their composure. You gave Bucky a wink and encouraging smile, which he returned before turning to Peter, taking the invitation.

"Sure kid." Peter's eyes light up and you could tell he was trying to contain his excitement.

"You can invite the guys from the club to the party here too." Bucky gives him chuckle and nods.

"They'll be here." You smile at Bucky and Peter who both grin back at you. Then your smile drops and is replaced by a cheeky grin.

"Where's my invite?" Peter gives you a quick roll of his eyes.

"Your's is with Bucky's of course, the two of you are practically married." You let out a gasp and turned to gage Bucky's reaction.

Bucky let out a bark of laughter and patted Peter on the shoulder, "Too right you are kid."

It was that same night that Bucky had told you he loved you. You were hopelessly in love with Bucky and you couldn't wait to see where the two of you would go next. You're just about to turn off the light when the familiar sound of Bucky's bike filled the quiet road.

You quickly flip the lights off and walk out the building, locking the door behind you. You walk behind the shop to where a small garage sat. Bucky walks his bike into the building and runs his hands through his hair from where his helmet messed it slightly. Locking the garage behind himself, he makes his way to you wrapping his arms around your waist and giving you a sweet kiss.

"Are you sure we can't take the bike?" You give him a giggle followed closely by a peck on the lips.

You run your hands down his arms and shake your head, "Do you really think that a dress is appropriate for the back of your bike?"

Bucky makes a big show of looking you over, holding you at arms length. "I think you look gorgeous, but I still don't think it's right, a biker riding in a car."

You give a laugh at his pout and pull the keys from your purse and dangle them in front of Bucky's face. He takes them from you giving you a peck on the nose and taking your hand, leading you to the car.

You smile and Bucky opens the door for you, making sure you are safely inside before getting in. While he walks to his side of the car you take a moment to look at him. He looked delicious in his nice leather jacket, black dress pants and shirt.


When the two of you arrived at the high school, Bucky takes your hand and leads you in. The two of you watch as Peter walks across the stage and receives his diploma - his aunt May cried while the rest of his family looked on with pride.

After the ceremony, you and Bucky rushed back to Buzz to get everything open and ready for Peter and his guests. The caterers were just finishing preparing all the food when the guys from the motorcycle club came in. The boys groaned when they saw you and Bucky wrapped around each other.

Sam rolled his eyes, "Aren't you two sick of each other yet?"

Steve slapped Bucky on the back as he moved past the two of you to get a drink, "You know we ought to kick you out of the Club for being such a sap."

You laugh loudly as Bucky rolled his eyes and made to smack Steve, while still maintaining his hold on you.


After the party was in full swing, you were sitting in a booth with Buck and the boys, when Peter came over. When he finally reached the table you noticed that he wasn't wearing his jacket. You knew he would never take it off, you immediately became concerned.

"Um..Mr. Bucky, sir. I need another jacket." Steve raised an eyebrow, by the look on his face you could tell he was as concerned as you were.

"What happened to yours? Are you having problems with anyone?" Sam glanced at his brothers, Peter may not be a real member of the club (yet) but he had grown on the men and they had become quite protective of their kid.

Their fears were relieved when Peter adorably blushed, that's when the group realized that behind Peter, wearing his leather jacket, drinking an iced coffee was Simon.

"It's just...Sam told me when you like someone, and you start dating, you give them your jacket and well..." The boys at the booth let out a loud cheer and started to congratulate Peter and Simon.

Bucky turns to you with a wide grin, his smile dropping when he realized you weren't cheering along with them. You were Peter's biggest supporter and your reaction was not expected.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" You look at Peter and Simon standing next to each other, looking at each other adorably. You put a pout on your face.

"How come you haven't given me your jacket yet?" Bucky let out a laugh and pulled you into his side, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"Have you not noticed what's hanging next to the door?" You turn and look at the door, and that's when you notice a worn leather jacket hanging on the hook.

You look back at him and notice his jacket looks newer than normal. You give him a wide smile and kiss him soundly on the lips, he returns the kiss eagerly, gripping him to you. When you finally parted you press another quick kiss to his lips. "It's been up there since we had our first date."

You lean forward again and meet your lips to his, this time slow and steady, putting all your feelings into it.

The two of you are broken apart at the sound of a cough, "So...can I get another jacket?"

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