Author's Note~

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Hey Reader-Chan! AnimeCraze1348-Chan Here XD

So this is obviously another Russia x Reader story since it has been requested like crazy! Okay I'm gonna say this up front if you haven't read A Destined Fate yet I strongly advise you do because this story is sort of a part two to it. Trust me it'll make more logic if you read that story first. I know it's kind of long but it'll be worth it in the end! >=D

Now to all my fabulous readers who have read the first story or are feeling ballsy and are continuing to read, as i stated before this is a part two to my pervious Russia story so don't be surprise if you hear some familiar stuff XD

Of course this story will be in first person, there will be bad language and I don't know, other stuff... kinda sorta winging it XD

Anyway I hope you enjoy don't forget to hit that sexy star vote bottom, comment your feels, follow and stay awesome XD

With Love,

P.S. Be warned this is going to be a different type of Russia X Reader, I know this does not make a ton of sense now; however, as you progress you will understand.

An Inescapable Demise: Russia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now