Fan Girl Flirt

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"I can't wait to see those amazing twins." LaLa was excited as we get to the club. "They better be amazing as you say." I say under my breath.

"IDs please..." Bronco the bouncer says moving in front of us as we get to the entrance. "Ah cmon Bronco. " LaLa walks up to him. "Please... " She smiles. He looks at her blankly. "IDs please." He repeats. "OK how about this." She puts her hands on his shoulder. "You let us in and..." She whispers something in his ear I couldn't really hear her. Bronco smiles and moves out the way for us to go in. LaLa looks back at me winking and She grabs by hand as we go in.

Being that the club was in a small town not a lot of people were in here. But compared to the population of this town. It was at least 25% of the town. And me and LaLa really were the only undage kids there.

"Do you see them?" LaLa looks around. "I don't know. Being that I have No clue what they look like." I role my eyes slightly. She sighs dropping her shoulders. "Hey what are you two even doing here?" We see Charlie one if the young sheriff's coming you to us. "We're just here to see some twins that's all." I say to him. "Mhm. Well I better not see any if you two purchasing drinks. " He looks at LaLa. "What are you gonna do? Cuff me?" She smirk grabbing his crotch. He quickly jumps moving her hand. "Easy Ms. Moore" He gives a cold stare the walks off. LaLa laughs turning. She then freezes. "OMG OMG it's them." She quickly points. I look to see two tall men. One of them had a blown out Afro and sun glasses on. The other had twists and a bucket hat. "Eh they're alright. " I shrug. "Alright? They're gorgeous. " She shots at me. "Let's go talk to them." She was already grabbing my wrist going to them. "LaLa you can't just walk you to them like that." I say trying to stop her. Her grip was so strong. We ended up approaching them. "Hi. " LaLa says as they sit in chairs on they're phones. They didn't say anything or look up at us. "My name is LaLa and I love seeing you guys dance and it just makes me so.... excited to see you guys move like that." She had a fan girl voice. They then look you at us at the same time. The one with the twists looks LaLa up and down. "Nice outfit." He smiles at her. "Thank you. I wore this just or you two. " She spins around. "Pretty hot." The one with the Afro smiles. "Yeah I know." LaLa flips her hair. I just stood there feeling invisible. "Uh who's your friend? " the twists say gesturing to me. "I have a boyfriend. " I automatically say. "He puts his hands up nodding. "Alright Alright. " LaLa then looks at me with a whats-wrong-with-you look. "Uh I don't have a boyfriend. " LaLa raises her hand. "Cool. But you must not be virgin looking like.... that" the Afro said messing with her shirt lifting it slightly . "Oh please I'm still a virgin. I like never had any dick in my life." She laughs touching his hand. "Oh really. " he smiles looking at his bother. "Well we still have set up the stereos. So Why don't you get us some drinks." He bite his lip getting up. "And we talk after wards." He kissed her hand. She blushes giggling. "Okay." She grabs my hand and walks off.

A Pleasurable Sin (LT FanFic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu