Chapter 1: I choose you?

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The suns rays went through the curtains in my bedroom to my resting eyes, signaling me that it was time to get up.

I slowly opened my eyes to adjust them to the lighting and stood up from my bed, as a smile spread on my face.

I ran to my closet and set down a pink t-shirt with jean shorts, a pink purse that went across my chest and reached my hips, pink sneakers, and a pink logo hat, topped with white glasses on the hat. Yes pink was my color alright.

I opened up my purse and stuffed in another outfit and a few other things that I would need.

I hung the purse on my shoulder and ran downstairs and out the do-

"Scarlett? Your leaving already?!" My mother suddenly said.

"Oh! Yeah! I have to go or I'm going to be late!" I replied.

"Goodbye Scarlett! Hope you have a nice trip then!"

My mothers face looked sad. I was mostly exited, but I was also sad knowing I wouldn't be seeing my mom for a long time.

I walked up to my mom and hugged her.

"I promise ill come home, as soon I finish the pokemon gyms and leage in Kalos mom." I said as I hugged her.

"You better!" My mother said tearing up now.

"I will." I said one more time. "We'll I got to go-"

"Wait!" My mother cut me off. "I got you these.

My mother handed me 3 potions, and 3 pokéballs.

"I thought you might need them." She said.

I hugged her once again. "Thanks mom!"

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It pointed to 7:02.

"Mom! Sorry but I have to go! I'm suppose to be there by seven!" I shouted.

"Oh sorry! Hurry or your going to be late!" She said rushing me to the door just like a mother would.

I gulped and ran through the small path that lead to what it seemed like a café. Yet i had never seen any food or coffee or an entrance of some sort. I stopped and looked at professor sycamore sitting at one of the tables who was showing a boy around my age some pokeballs. I slowly walked towards them and saw the boy look up at me.

I soon recognized his face and a gave a shocked gasp. It was rival.

How did we become rivals? Well weve actually been rivals since we were little. He used to mistreat wild pokemon and once he even tried to kill my moms ryhorn!

We used to set my moms ryhorns food outside then left to let it eat in peace. But as the days went on, our ryhorn got skinnier and skinnier. We were sure it would die, until one day I stayed with my ryhorn hidden in the bushes watching him eat, when Carter came from next door snickering and grabbed its bowl of food running away with it.

I gasped as I suddenly knew what was going on. I ran to his house and told his mother immediately when she answered the door.

Her mother made him apologize and im sure he got some spanks because of his screams from next door.

We hadn't talked to each other in 4 years.

I gazed up at Daiki and saw him picking one of the pokeballs. Professor sycamore then grabbed the poke ball and Sent the Pokemon out. He then briskly took it and sqeezed it tight in his arms. I looked close at the pokemon he picked. As soon as he turned I saw the pokemon clearly. It was a Froakie!

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