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When Klaus had been in the war, he had always worn Dave's clothes.

He didn't know why he did, but he must have liked how Dave smelled. Dave was always fine with it, he didn't mind Klaus wearing his Jacket at times. There was no exception of this on the night of Dave's death. That morning, Klaus had worn one of Dave's jackets, smiling at the warmth.

"Why're you always so obsessed with my Jackets, Klaus?" Dave asks when they're eating breakfast.

"I dunno, you just smell really nice I guess" Klaus mumbles, smiling.

Dave had shook his head, laughing a bit. The two continued to eat, the only noise was the chatting of others around them. Klaus was deep in thought, he had a terrible feeling today, like something was going to go wrong. He hated that, he hated when he felt this way. He knew nothing was wrong, Dave was here, he was here and he was alive and nothing else mattered. Dave wasn't hurt, or injured, he was perfectly fine, and Klaus hated that he felt bad about it. All these what ifs popped into his mind and he wished he could just make it all stop.

But Klaus could not, only Dave could. He intertwined their fingers together, smiling reassuringly at Klaus. All the what ifs seemed to float away once Dave had smiled at him. They were fine and Klaus was happy. They chatted a bit about their days so far like a happy married couple reuniting after their dreaded work days. Even though they were usually together, most of the time they were separate in the battle field. Klaus hated when Dave wasn't around him, he couldn't get the stupid ghost to shut up. They all lied on the floor, screaming at him to avenge them. His name oozed out of their mouths like a prayer, but Klaus was no savior.

He just wished Ben was around to block the others out. Ben would yell at him to focus and to not think of them. Klaus hated the dead soldiers on the battlefield. But he hated it most when he saw Dave running up to him out of nowhere with a wound. He got so scared that Dave was already dead and that it was just his ghost running up to him but it never was.

Dave hadn't died yet, and Klaus was grateful for that. He couldn't live to see the love of his life dead in his arms. He couldn't even imagine how horrible it would be to have his ghost around but no one could see him. He was mortified at the fact that he would have to marry a ghost if Dave had died. He could never introduce him to his siblings because they don't have his powers. He wouldn't ever be able to hold his hand anymore.

Klaus shook his head, trying desperately for the thoughts to leave. But they clawed at him like a feral beast, unable to stop any time soon. Klaus hated it. He hated the fact that he couldn't stop thinking, he wanted it all to stop.

It only got worse when they entered the battlefield.

The ghosts of soldiers screamed at him and he couldn't focus. There was so much noise, and the gunfire. Klaus could not stand the fire of a gun. It was like a loud explosion in his ear, it overpowered the ghosts screaming but it was not any better. Klaus wanted to run, he wanted to hide away from all these noises. He wanted to escape the ghosts, he wanted to take Dave's hand and go home. But he couldn't, because Dave didn't know he was from the future, and he wouldn't believe him.

Dave couldn't leave, he was too invested in the war, he couldn't leave his family behind either. Klaus couldn't do that to him, he didn't want to hurt him.

Dave and Klaus had eventually made it to the front lines. Klaus was terrified, all the Gunshots around him and all the ghosts behind him had made him anxious.

A bullet flew past, a loud erupting sound behind him.

"christ on a cracker, that was a close one, huh Dave?" Klaus laughed lightly. Humor was his way of coping, and he used it in mostly the least humorous of times.

Klaus appreciation PART TWO :0Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant