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T.W.  this imagine contains physical and verbal abuse, if you're not comfortable with that please by all means click off the imagine


(Harry's P.O.V)

"Alright that was really good guys take 5" I tell my band as we finishing up rehursing 'Woman'.

I walk over to the speaker that's got my water bottle and phone resting on it. I take a sip from the water bottle and just then my phone goes off.

I pick it up and the number reads as Alex' preschool, I furrow my brows and check the time, I dont have to pick him up for another 45 minutes. I let out a sigh hoping it's nothing too bad.

"Hello" I speak once I've answered the call.

"Hi, Mr. Styles?" The female voice from that I recognize as the director of the preschool says.

"This is he" I reply.

"This is Mrs. O'Connor from the preschool. I'm very sorry to bother you, but I have some unfortunate news regarding your son Alex" she informs me and immediately my mind goes to the worst case scenario.

"Is everything alright?" I nervously ask.

"He's not injured if that what you inquiring" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "- but he has gotten into a fight" Immediately brows pinch together, and confusion flood my mind.

"A fight? My Alex got into a fight?" I question, Alex has never gotten into a fight, he never uses violence he wouldn't even kill a fly. He's one of those kids who instead of killing a spider with a shoe, he'll grab a cup and a magazine, trap the spider in between the two and set it free outside. So I'm completely boggled when she tells me he got into a fight.

"May I ask with whom he got into ask fight with?" I nervously ask.

"A girl from his class... Lillian Y/L/N. I've already contacted her parents they're on their way" she informs me. Not to mention ask girl. I've taught my son better then that. I can't believe this.

My Alex got into a fight with a girl.

I'm not sure if there was hitting involved but that's still no excuse to lay a hand on anyone especially not ever, ever a woman or in his case a little girl.

"Alright I'll be there in 15 minutes" I tell her and hang up.

I pull my phone away with shock, and let out a sigh of disbelief.

"Everything alright?" Mitch asks placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know. That was Alex' preschool apparently he got into a fight" I tell him and his face too drops with shock.

"Alex, little A. He got into a fight?" Mitch questions in disbelief.

"Apparently" I sigh and rub my hands over my face in distress. "I have to go meet the teacher and the parents of the other kid" I explain.

"Yeah no problem"

"Alright guys let's call it a day and we'll pick this up tomorrow" I announce to the rest of the band.

I quickly gather my things, throwing my blazer over top my dress shirt, grabbing my phone and car keys before heading out of the studio.

I start up my car and pull out of my spot and my mind wanders off to Alex. I still don't understand how he's gotten into a fight, like I said he'd never hurt a fly. Hell even mum scolds him when him and Gem play fight, it just doesn't make much sense, and with a girl, I mean that's completely out of character for him. Of course I don't know all the details but still just doesn't seem like him.

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