Chapter 3

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Lizzie.Salt:me and  /Milton.G when we stop making out before class.
Milton.G: We look so good here babe😘
Lizzie.Salt: /Milton.G we always look good together.
Josie.Saltzman: So happy that you found someone to make out with sis
Lizzie.Salt: /Josie.Saltzman you are so annoying sometimes.. I have an important question /Hope.Mikaelson why are you dating my sister again?
Hope.Mikaelson: /Lizzie.Salt because she is my adorable sometimes annoying dork and I love her for that.
Josie.Saltzman: /Hope.Mikaelson awwwwww..... I love you too



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PPenelope: Me knowing you still love me.
Josie.Saltzman: no, I don't.
PPenelope: /Josie.Saltzman yes, you do. You just don't want to admit it.
Hope.Mikaelson: /PPenelope if she said that she doesn't loves you, she doesn't loves me in the gym in 15 minutes Penelope.

Hope POV:
When I got to the gym there was Penelope. "Look, I'm going to make this quick for you. Stay the hell away from Josie! Or.... " I start but then she interrupts "or what Mikaelson? What are you going to do? She still loves me and we both know it. " After she said that she just smirked at how convinced I looked. "No, she doesn't. She loves me now, so it's time you give up and save some time. " I just say angrily. She just smiled and before she leaves she says "we'll see about that. "

Love is complicated  |  Posie/Hosie Where stories live. Discover now