Chapter 9

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Josie POV:
After Hope calmed me down she left my room. I called Lizzie, cause I really needed her advice. When she came to my room I let her in and she sat on my bed "hey Josie, what do you need to talk about" she asked in a caring voice. I took a deep breath and started "Penelope said that she still loves me, Hope wants me back and I don't know what to do. " She looked at me and sighed "Look, even if I don't like any of them that much, I just want you to tell me what do you like about them and maybe that will help you decide. " I knew this was not a bad idea so I started with Hope. "Hope was always there for me, she is caring, nice and very loving... But Penelope.... " "Penelope what?" she asked me before I continued "Penelope is just so cool, she never gave up on me, she is also very sassy, but the thing I like the most about her is how nice she can be with me and how mean she can be if anyone messes with me. " She looked very confused "Damn, you like both of them, don't you? " I blushed madly and looked at my feet. Then Lizzie suddenly screamed "Insta time, bitch " and we laughed, took some photos and posted them on Instagram.


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Lizzie.Salt: The best twins you'll ever know. Love you sis /Josie.Saltzman
Josie.Saltzman: I love you to Liz. ❣
Milton.G: damnnnn... My lady looking good as heck.
Lizzie.Salt: /Milton.G you know it 😘
PPenelope: cool pic.
Hope.Mikaelson: you both look amazing.
Lizzie.Salt: /PPenelope /Hope.Mikaelson thank you in the name of me and my sister Josie Saltzman.


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Josie.Saltzman: /Lizzie.Salt thank you for almost always listening to my problems and helping me 💗💗💗
Lizzie.Salt: u had to use that picture? I look so weird.
Josie.Saltzman: /Lizzie.Salt no, you look fabulous.
Lizzie.Salt: and you are a fabolouser. 💟
Milton.G: I'm the luckiest man to be alive, cause I have you /Lizzie.Salt
Lizzie.Salt: and I'm lucky to have you /Milton.G
Hope POV:
When I saw the posts I went to see Josie. I knocked on the door, walked in and luckily there was just Josie. The moment she saw me she smiled and greeted me "hey Hope, what are you doing here? " I stepped closer and said "I just wanted you to know that whoever you choose to be with, I'll accept it and if you don't choose me I will always no matter what be there for you, okay? " She looked so happy she heard that, but her smile dropped when I asked her a simple, yet difficult question "but I have to know,do you still love her Josie? "

Offfffffff..... Hard question.

Love is complicated  |  Posie/Hosie Where stories live. Discover now