Just need a hug

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Today is a shitake day. And its going to get more worse, I just know it.

Let me tell you how, lets start from the beginning of the day with my not so pleasant morning.

I woke up late but that information is a no brainer as its daily occurrence for me, what's with me not being a morning person. It would have been not a big problem as I always sleep till late on Friday, since my company has late shift for everyone on the Fridays, which get me an hour of extra sleep to start my weekend.

But no today I woke up at 9 O'clock and I need to be at the company before 10 which gives me approx. 10 minutes to get ready.

So I start getting ready and skipped my breakfast to save some time as I don't have time to cook anything. So I take a quick shower and changed grab my bag and wallet and leave. I thought that I will just grab a sandwich in one of the tea breaks. Then when I was getting out from the elevator, my shirt, the perfectly ironed shirt that I had taken out for today the night before, a nice yellow and white striped one gets a makeover by little kid who was skipping to the elevator with chocolate Ice cream while I was getting out of the same. So I had to run back to my apartment to change making me super late. 

Then after when I get to my car it has somehow acquired a flat tire overnight. So I have to again run out to catch a taxi, that too in rush hour. But somehow I manage to get a taxi that was dropping by the aunty who live one door next to me. I arrived on time, just barely, but anyhow I wasn't super late, but I got tired from all the running I did to arrive on time.

Then I thought to be optimistic, that no worries I will have a good day even though it starts bad, and with these thoughts in my head I get to work after getting some tea from the break room.

Since I had some time to spare before my next meeting, I got up to just go and grab a sandwich from the cafeteria across the road. As I was leaving my senior called me to discuss about the progress on my part of the project , so, I just said goodbye to my brunch and head to my senior desk.  We were discussing the project till it was time for the meeting. And lets not forget the meeting the meeting was so bad that I really wanted to cry.

The main head of the project, that is Mr. Toad, well his name is Ted, anyway, he hates my gut. The reason being when I first arrived to this company and I was a noob to the office politics, I got into trouble with him in the first month itself, so he is very harsh to me ever since. But moving on with the day, the meeting was so exhausting and long, that I don't get to eat till very late, late lunch. And somehow the only store which sells decent pink milk according to my liking around the premise was also close today, so that's that.

Now I'm waiting for the time to move so that I can go home and have some noodles, then ice cream while watching some movie and cuddle myself to sleep, as I'm so tired with this day, no, no , this whole damn week.

I just want to sleep and cuddle with him this weekend. Is that too much to ask. It has only been three days but to me it feels like eternity, and my bad luck is not helping also. I just feel so restless and depressed that I can't help it.

I was still working when Rome called me, telling me that he is leaving early as he has a date with his boyfriend. I wished him and continue back with my work. I don't like pending work at weekend, nor I like to take my work home. So I start back with my work. as Mr. Toad has asked for a lot of changes in the presentation.  I watched my colleagues who were making plans with each other. Some even asked me to join them, they were going to the bar to start their weekend with some drinks, but I declined their offer, is not like that I don't hang out with them outside of work. It's just that I am feeling so drained out, that, I don't even want to drink .

Finally by the time I'm done nearly everyone has gone. I hurriedly start cleaning my table, I can't wait to go back to my apartment and sleep. I just want to cuddle with him, but I can't even do that, he is not here. So, I'm going to sleep away the weekend, maybe it will help with my broken heart.

While I was dragging myself to go home, I came out of the elevator looking down at my feet, when suddenly I heard it.

His voice. How can it be. He is not here, stop hallucinating, you damn stupid heart. Is it not enough for you that I cry missing him every night, that you even start day dreaming. While I was consoling my poor heart to stop hallucinating, again I heard him. It sounded so real that I can't help but look around for the owner of that voice.


















And then there was light.











The gloomy feeling in my heart slowly start to disappear. The weekend which I was dreading doesn't seem so dreadful now.

He was here.

He was standing there at the entrance of the building holding packet from my favorite chocolate store and a bottle of pink milk.

When I saw him it just felt like my heart stopped for a while just like my feet and then when he smiled at me, his smile fueled my heart to restart and my legs to move.

I slowly approached him, ignoring the chocolate packet and the pink milk which everyone knows as my first love, and hugged him tight, hiding my face in his neck. His scent filled my nostrils and it clam me down. The restlessness which was holding me hostage throughout his absence was slowly running away as my moon hugged me back just as tightly.

Usually I shy away at the prospect of PDA. But right now, I don't care. Let them look all they want. My moon was back. And I felt like finally after roaming the whole wild world I found my home, in my moon's embrace. 

"Hey Oon"

He softly whispered in my ears, "do you miss me?"

If it was any other time I would have declined it, and said something like "no, who will miss you, I was just missing my pinkmilk." but now I just accepted it.

"So what, I'm allowed to miss my fiancé. Ain't I."

"Oon, are you tired. Do you need anything. "

"Just need a hug. "


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