Chapter three Finding out you had a long lost twin

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Newt's POV

Newt walked down the street to the show, he gasped seeing all the people who had come to this show so many good people here that he thought he wouldn't do well but at least he could give it a shot to try his best.

He walked across the room to Gally who was setting everything up.

"Hey Newt I'm just getting everything sorted" 

"Great all we have to do is keep the flowers growing and pretty and we win the show in about two weeks" Gally smiled, going through the big bag filled with stuff.

"Oh man I think I forgot the spry bottle" Newt shook his head smiling.

"I saw one in the other room I'm sure we can borrow that"

"Your my hero Newton Isaacs" He chuckled walking into the other room, to get the spry bottle as he did he bumped into someone knocking plant food onto their shirt.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry"

"That's quite alright" Newt looked up as the other boy did and gasped, his eyes widening.

Thomas' POV:

The plane that Thomas had used to get to New York had finally landed and he could finally stretch his legs. He got off the plane, looking around smiling.

"Sir we really should be going" His butler said.

"Your right we must get a cab to take us to the show right now" Thomas and his butler called a cab over, as they got in the man in the front said.

"Where to?" 

"The garden show in the middle of town" Martin said to the man, he nodded and started driving. Once they arrived Thomas got out the car walking quickly into the building leaving Martin behind.

"Sir wait a minute" Thomas walked around looking at all the cool flowers that he wasn't looking where he was going and crashed into someone, spilling plant food onto his shirt.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry"

"That's quite alright" Thomas looked up at the boy who did the same and both their eyes widened.

Third person POV:

Both boys stared at each other in shock they couldn't believe it they both looked the same, they both turned to look into the mirror and gasped again.

"Crazy" They both said at the same time then chuckled looking at each other.

"I can't believe it you look just like me" Newt said smiling.

"I believe you look just like me" Thomas said back to him.

"It's like we are-"

"Twins or something" They looked at each other in shock whatever was happening they were going to figure it out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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