Episode 7

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Words from the Author:

This will be my hardest episode so far. This is due to multiple reasons that I haven't figured out yet. *Laughs* Right now, the way I see the time-frame for my episodes is that while the 2nd Branch was defeating 2 angels, the NERV in Tokyo-03 has defeated the 9th Angel, but there's some time until the 10th Angel. I'll be basing about two or three episodes on this time-frame. This episode will be what I said it will be or maybe even more. It really depends on what I'm feeling up for.

Episode 7: The 3rd Angel and Activation

Thursday was quite stressful for both pilots. They were surprised with a test that neither of them knew about. Even though they were caught off guard, both of them were able to pass the test and finish before everyone else. After school, there was an issue between Betty and Jonny due to their previous confrontation, but once again, thanks to Rivka getting involved, it was settled in a painful way for Jonny. Soon after that, both Rivka and Nero headed to their fencing class and quickly took care of that. Once they got home, and some time went by, the two children went to bed without saying a word to Jerry, who was drinking some beer at the table as his way of relaxing. The day ended and Friday went by fast. Now it's Saturday and this is the deadline for Eva Unit 04's preparations. Everyone at the 2nd Branch are currently doing everything they can to get the Eva up and running.

Dana sits at her post while frantically typing on the keys of her monitor. "This is ridiculous! How did the Committee expect us to finish the Eva before the day ends?! We still haven't tested its battle performance!"

Thomas looks at Dana while sitting at his own post with annoyance brimming as he's bent over his station. "I told you! But no one wanted to listen to me like always!" He then focuses his attention to his monitor with his hands on the platform.

Jerry stands between the two of them with his eyes on the giant screen that's displaying different sets of information about Unit 04 while showing some irritation on his being. "Stop complaining! We'll manage to complete the set-up for Unit 04 somehow!" He looks at a side screen that shows the technicians and William as they're all hard at work with finishing the body check on the Eva. After that, the Major says to the Doctor over the intercom with a composed tone, "How's everything going, Will?"

William looks at a small side screen that pops up in a hologram-like form as it displays Jerry's image and then chuckles before responding with optimism. "Everything is going fine over here. We should have the body of the Eva in perfect condition in about 2 hours." He smiles while giving Jerry a thumb up with his right hand.

Jerry contentedly grins and nods. "Good. Now that's the type of news that I want to hear." He then turns his gaze to both Dana and Thomas with a pleased smile. "See. There was nothing to worry about." Jerry returns his attention to the giant screen that's in front of him while putting both hands into his pockets. "Now, all we have to do is get Nero ready to test it out."

Thomas momentarily watches Jerry and then looks back at his monitor while thinking, "I still think that we shouldn't trust Nero. We know nothing about him and I'm sure that he was sent by the Committee to keep an eye on us." He sighs softly to himself and looks at the back part of his hands while maintaining them placed on the platform of the monitor. "Something tells me that he'll be our downfall."

Suddenly, Nero walks in from the entrance behind everyone with both hands resting behind his head while already wearing a grey-based plugsuit with black on the torso that covers all the way down to the feet. The plugsuit also has the number 04 on the top part of the chest while being the color black as Nero's has the brain-wave transmitters on his head and stares at the giant screen with a light smile. "Seems like everything's going well."

Neon Genesis Evangelion: 2nd Branch Of NERV StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz