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Chaeyeon's POV
Welp if they are going to do a prank then why not prank each other instead I guess I should just betray both sides

A.YJ to L.CY

1:00 am

MainChaeyeon : hey

MainChaeyeon : heyy

MainChaeyeon: heyy you

Yujinius : u high or some shit ?

Yujinius : why tf r u awake at 1:00 am ?

MainChaeyeon : it's Chaeyeon's subconsciousness speaking

MainChaeyeon : the jap line is about to prank u beware

Yujinius: okay ?

MainChaeyeon : act as u please n be safe of the Nako

Yujinius: wha-?

MainChaeyeon went offline

Yujinius: oh well shit

M.SK to L.CY

SakuraChan : ur online

SakuraChan : speak to me

SakuraChan : I will use my ult on u if u don't

SakuraChan: my 2nd skill is ready

SakuraChan : alucard is getting bullied

MainChaeyeon : I know I'm bullying him

MainChaeyeon : his emblem is Mage and his spell is execute

MainChaeyeon: 1 kill 10 deaths 0 assists

SakuraChan : so why r u up at 1:30

MainChaeyeon : Korean peeps betraying japs

MainChaeyeon. : do ur thing

SakuraChan : y do people say I'm their bias n their bias wrecker is u yet they don't know my bias is u

MainChaeyon : Savage

SakuraChan: sorry what ?

MainChaeyeon : Maniac

SakuraChan: Executed

Sorry , but this happened in real life just that I'm not the alucard

I had to keep adding to reach dis stuff
220 words

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