Finding something to do

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It was a gloomy morning and all the tigers thought it was going to rain. A rainy day wasn't going to stop Snowflake so she got up and went hunting. When she came back she heard a voice say "Why did you get food for yourself but not for anyone else?" Snowflake turned around to see Fangs dad she said "I'm sorry I was really hungry!" Just then Fang came over and yelled "What's going on dad?!" His dad said "Snowflake got food for herself and said she was really hungry!" "It's ok Snowflake my dads just angry because you got food for yourself." Fang said softly. "Do you want to come for a walk with me?" "Sure I would!" Snowflake said happily.

Fang wondered "Why is Snowflake upset a lot?" Oh well he'd find out later.

Snowflake the white tigerWhere stories live. Discover now