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"hi", we said at the same time.

looking straight ahead, i could only see his chest. the white t-shirt, loosely hanging around his torso. shadows of muscles through the fabric, opening doors for my imagination to go wild. down from there, he also wore grey sweatpants. comfy enough.

then i looked up and met his eyes.

so many voice in my head screamed danger! and they were right to do it. i had to maintain my professional attitude towards a guest at the hotel i was temporarily managing, i had to appear mature and reliable and help with whatever he needed. like i'd with any other person. but dang... finally analyzing his features more closely, more carefully, i had to admit he was dang good-looking.

there it was! i thought it, knew it, acknowledged it. thankfully not said it out loud, though. yet.

but so i always thought kim soohyun and song joongki were handsome and knew jin and sungjae were hella fine idols. yeah, the same way i always acknowledged song hyekyo and han gain were living goddesses in terms of beauty and iu - in terms of music.

my lower lip had already started going numb by the time i realized i'd been biting it.

he too had been looking at me without saying anything for close to half a minute already and i had to break the silence before the silence turned even more awkward than it already was. only to regret my words as soon as they came out.

"you're staring..." i started. my voice - shy, unprofessional.

good job, a-na.

beomgyu slightly tilted his head. "so are you. so have you for the last minute, but i thought it would be kinda rude to point it out to you," he replied and the corners of his mouth twisted upwards in a smile - a dang nice one. "and, before you try to deny that, it was cute."

my eyebrows twisted down in a frown at once at his words. "alright..." as if i had anything good enough to say back to that. it took me more than a moment to remember my job, my status, straighten my back and calm down. "forgive me then, it's inadequate of me. you've also called reception, so let me know if there's anything you need assistance for."

beomgyu's grin fell of his face a moment later. "why did you have to apologize now? i've just told you it was cute."

"it was inadequate of me." an idea, salt-and-peppered with mischief, sparked in my mind and i just had to do it, to see what kind of a reaction i'd get. besides, as substitute manager, it was more than appropriate to say it. "sir," i added.

he snorted. "what? don't call me that."

"ah, forgive me." i raised my hand to my mouth, more to cover the smile plastered on it.

"gosh," he muttered with a roll of his eyes, before turning around on his heels and going back into his room. it was annoying, but the good kind of annoying - if that really existed. "just come in."

he moved so fast out of my sight that i had to enter after him to ask why he'd even dialled the reception in first place. i entered with small steps, shyly, freaked out and feeling funnily and weird, despite more or less owning this room much more than him. besides, i'd never been in a boy's room before - i only had a sister and boys hadn't ever been a thing in my life. "now, would you mind telling me why you've called reception?"

beomgyu had already thrown himself on the bed, his phone in his hand as he scrolled down on some app. "yeah, i've called the reception, not the manager, but here you are." his grin wouldn't leave his face.

"i was available to come. not all days you get the manager," i deadpanned, a bit harshly. "besides," i added, the tone of my voice visibly lighter, "you're an important guest at our hotel."

we looked at each other again, words beneath those glances. as if both of us had to be thankful for our repetitive interactions. and somehow, strangely, i felt we were.

beomgyu raised his eyes from his phone and looked at her confused. "am i really that famous yet? gosh, this is so excited." and he clapped his hands and smiled from ear to ear, so brightly the sun outside seemed of no use to the world.

i couldn't help but smile back. then added another part of the ugly truth, "any guest here is an important guest to us."

night came all at once, as he looked down, disappointed. "you have really learnt all your lines for your job. sometimes i can't make the difference between you and an answering machine. good job."

i had no idea what direction this discussion was going in and i didn't like it at all. my eyebrow jerked up in annoyance. "thank you, sir. all complaints go to my manager, but oh wait, that's currently me."

he tried hard to put a hand over his face and cover his mouth, but still i could see through the cracks between his fingers, that he was secretly grinning at my answers and i couldn't help not feel proud about it. this guy was strange in a good way, if that was possible.

"so, is there anything i can actually help you with? if not, i think i am to return myself to my office," i continued, emphasizing the last two words, as if i really owned it. ms. kim would turn a hundred shades of angry to see me going through it.

and with that i proceeded to turn around to leave, only to have my arm caught by a strong arm. turning around, i only saw beomgyu. he - in literally no time - must have left his bed, or even jumped out of it to catch me. "wait there," he said, "i actually hoped it was going to be you who came if i called."

"what?" i half-snorted.

"you heard me."

my eyes were on his palm coating my wrist, firmly and gently at the same time. i felt unable to look up, meet his dark, yet luminous eyes, as all my insides once again screamed danger! in my ears. "i did, but i don't understand what's going on."

he eventually let go of me, his hands moving to the back of his neck, to rub it slowly. "look. i'll explain it. please have a seat, a-na." he'd called my name and it felt so strange to hear it from his mouth, like i'd just wasted my last chance of getting out of there before something even odder hapened.

my feet got to me to the first chair in sight and i sat.

"did i say it right this time?" he asked, to which i nodded. then, he continued, "alright, so please tell me something about yourself."

my jaw dropped to the ground in the most unladylike manner. yeah, there was a list of things i'd always known i'd never be able to comprehend, like mathematical analysis or shakespearian english, and this guy somehow was slowly rising and topping it. "that does not sound at all like an explanation and i feel very uncomfortable right now. i think i should go now."

i stood again and this time he made no move to stop me. however, as i was leaving, i had to look back at him and i saw how he ran a hand to his smooth-looking hair and let out a long sigh, then bit his lip. looking as disappointed as i was confused. or maybe more.

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