When The Heart Gets Tired

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Its sad to think that the person you once love can never go back in your arms again, even if you beg for them to come back, even if you run out of tears, even if you've reflected from the mistakes you've made, even if you regretted so much. Cause no matter how hard you try, no matter how much effort you do, if that person was hurt so much, they already closed their hearts for every chances, chances to love again, to sacrifice once again, to wholeheartedly understand, to pretend like they didn't see, hear or felt, to pretend like everything's alright. We probably made them into that and we solely take the blame for the loneliness they've struggled because of loving us. Yes, until we reach this circumstance we'll never understand. We are rest assured cause we know that that person will continue to go blind because we probably think that even if they'll get tired they cannot give up on us, because we strongly believe that they love us so much. We used their weakness to dominate them under us, we made them miserable and in exchange they've done their very best part to love us even more after all the horrible things we've done to them probably thinking that in return we'll be able to realize and hopefully to learn how to love them back. We saw them cry, those tears coming from their eyes were the evidence of their love for us.  Why would they waste the tears with so much worth if they didn't care, if they didn't love us? Are we that numb to not realise how much they've exchange their happiness for our happiness?

If only we can value the love given to us and not waste it Because when the heart gets tired, it's hard to give chances.


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