[17] mali is drunk as fuck

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After I collected myself I walked out of the bathroom, only to run into none other then Dylan Kingwell himself. Again.

"Y/n please let me explain. Please." He said grabbing my arm. I couldn't meet his eyes after that confession to myself so I just looked at my feet.

"Go ahead" I murmured. He let go of my arm and put his hand underneath my chin. Tilting my head up to meet his gaze. The touch surprised me but I didn't mind it at all, even if I was still mad at him.

"What you saw wasn't what was going on. Of course, you had to walk in right as Rory kissed me. I didn't want to do that. I didn't know where you went when we first got here and Rory offered to take me on a tour of the house. The second she started kissing me I pushed her off. I'm sorry. I- I don't know what else to say. I didn't want this." Dylan explained as he let his hand drop. I softened after hearing the explanation.

I kept my head up as I gazed steadily into his downcast eyes. They looked almost watery like he was going to cry. Must have been the lighting, nobody cared about me that much.

"Dylan, it's ok. I understand now what happened. It just shocked me you know. Something similar happened to me tonight too actually. But Rory, on the other hand, has no excuse for this" I replied, only now remembering she was supposed to be my best friend.

"Wait what do you mean, something similar happened to you." Dylan cut in before I could get angrier. I took a deep breath. "Well, when we got here I went to the kitchen, sorry about that by the way. I don't really like parties that much. Anyway went into the kitchen where there were a lot less people and just as I was about to come back out to find you guys Tristan came up to me" I explained to him.

I could see him tense up when I said Tristan's name. "I didn't want to be rude so I stayed and talked to him but then he started to say some stuff and tried to kiss me and bring me to a bedroom and shit like that so I ran away to find you."

"He tried to bring you to a bedroom?" Dylan said bewildered, getting angrier by the minute"

"Ya but it's fine I-" my reply was cut short by a thought that had entered my head. "Do you think they planned this" I blurbed out.

"What do you mean" he replied confusion written across his face. "I mean, do you think they planned to split us apart and try to 'hook up' or whatever their goal was," I said sort of just thinking out loud. "I swear to fuc-"

"Dylan stop" I grabbed his hand as he was trying to walk away and find Tristan. He whirled back around still seething. "Dylan look at me," I told him. Suddenly the role was reversed and I was the one putting my hand under his chin so he would look at me.

"Dylan I know you want to beat Tristan up. I know you do. Trust me I do too, but now is not a good time. We need to find Malina and see if she is ok and I'm going to call Louis to see if they found Laura. I want to leave."

I could see Dylan's fists still clenched as I dropped my hand. "Please," I said looking into his eyes. He took a deep breath and nodded his head quickly. I grabbed his hand that he had unclenched and laced my fingers with his. Wow look at me taking risks.

We started walking around looking for Mali. "Where could she have gone," I asked Dylan. "She could honestly be anywhere" Dylan replied.

"Great" sighed as I continued to drag him through the crowd. We walked over to the couches in the living room and are greeted by none other than Rory herself. "How do you like the party so far," she said smiling at me. Wow, would you look at that! She actually acknowledged that I was here.

"Have you seen Malina?" I asked her ignoring her question. "Last time I saw her she was in the kitchen" Rory replied, her tone icy. I looked up at her confused by her sudden change of demeanour and I see that her eyes are locked on our entwined hands. I gave her a polite smile and Dylan and I headed for the kitchen.

Sure enough, Malina was there. Well, it depends what your definition of there was. She was laying on top of the kitchen counter, looking like she was about to pass out. I rushed forward to help her off the counter. "Hey, mali. Are you ok?" I asked her. She nodded her head and giggled.

"Time to get you home" I mumbled as Dylan helped me support Malina from falling over. We walked outside and sat on the front porch steps. I called Louis first to make sure everyone was ok. They had found Laura and left a while ago. Then I called Rory's mom to see if she could come to pick us up. I told her about our situation and thank goodness she was one of the nicest people I had ever met.

She agreed to take us home the second I asked. She pulled up a couple of minutes later and helped get Malina to the car. We made sure she had a plastic bag or something for her to use if she needed too. We got back to Dylan's house quickly and I thanked Nicole for the ride.

Dylan and I took care of Malina and once we knew she was ok Dylan suggested we go on a walk. "I think that's a great idea. I just don't want to be gone too long in case anything happens to Malina."

"Ya for sure we will just go for a couple of minutes" he responded. We walked out of the house and down his road heading for a park he said was close. It reminded me of last time we walked down this street in the dark. It felt like weeks ago but in reality, it was only last night. We arrived at the park and Dylan jumped onto one up the swings and started swinging as high as he could.

I hopped on the one beside him and tried to swing higher than him. Once I was was pretty high I stopped trying to beat Dylan and I let the cool night air entangle itself in my hair as I swung back as forth. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. After a few moments, I looked over at Dylan who already had his gaze locked on me. I blushed and hopped off the swing landing on the grass in front of the swing set.

Dylan had stopped trying to swing a while ago but now he swung bigger and bigger trying to get high enough to jump. I pulled out my phone and took some pictures as he launched himself off the swing set at me. He hit the ground with such force that he stumbled into me. I caught him in my arms but the force of his weight sent us both tumbling down.

We landed on the grass and I started laughing. "Sorry! I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that!" Dylan said frantically while I continued to laugh. He started to get up but I pulled him back down onto the grass beside me. "It's ok. Look" I said pointing up at the stars as I lay on my back in the grass.

He lay down beside me and looked up. The stars shined bright against the night sky. They look like thousands of fireflies dancing through the night. I tried to imagine what it would be like to be a star, such a carefree life they must live.

I suddenly felt a gaze land upon me. I turned my head to look at Dylan, looking into his eyes made the stars seem dull in comparison. He noticed me looking at him and gave me one of his cute little smiles. I blushed and looked away but he kept his gaze firmly locked on me. I looked back up at him, confused. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned him, smiling. He shrugged his shoulders, his gaze never leaving me "I just think you're really pretty" He said simply.

hey yall,
what's up
sorry for the late update
I have had so much stuff going on.
I hope you liked this chapter
cuz the next one
might not be so peachy.


 *Dylan Kingwell x You* (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now