Chapter 1

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Date: January 5, 2019Location: Rogue Shadows Gaming HouseTime: 8:48 AM

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Date: January 5, 2019
Location: Rogue Shadows Gaming House

Time: 8:48 AM

"Come on, come on, come on," Ana (Gamer Tag - FemmeFatale) chanted as her character sprinted through the Grove. Her eyes were locked onto the ticking timer, her fingers hovering over the key. 3....2....1. The key was smashed and her character blinked to its target location, ending the game. The VICTORY screen flashed in front of her and Ana leaned back in her chair, breathing heavily. There was nothing like the thrill of narrowly winning a game.

Her fingers itched to play another game but she knew she didn't have time. They were leaving in ten minutes. The rest of her team were spending the morning sleeping until the last minute or eating breakfast but there wasn't anything that grounded Ana more than playing a game of Midnight Solstice. And she'd need all her strength for today.

So, the 22-year-old packed up her keyboard, mouse and mouse pad into her backpack and waited by the front door. She flipped through a few esports accounts on Twitter as she waited for the rest of her team.

"Are you ready for today?" A man a few years older than her approached. It was her coach, Paul.

"As I'll ever be," Ana answered.

"Just have faith in your team," Paul (Gamer Tag - Rumor) told her. She nodded. It was something the two of them and the team's therapist had gone over multiple times in the past months. It had taken months of Paul persuading her to join Rogue Shadows and then weeks for her to agree to be anything more than an alternate. She still wasn't sure she had made the right decision. Her stomach turned at the thought.

"Ana!" A voice broke as a mass suddenly collided with her causing her to nearly drop her phone on the tile floor.

"Nelson, I can't breathe." She struggled to get out of the teen's grip.

"Oh, sorry," Nelson (Gamer Tag - Suka) released her, a smile stamped on his face. "I'm just so excited for today! Playing in the NASC! It still feels like a dream." 

Ana ruffled the hair on top of his head. "Don't lose your head in the clouds. You need to focus for our match later, remember that." Nelson was only 16, one of the youngest professional Midnight Solstice players. His skills were far beyond his immature nature. When she met him in a game a year ago she couldn't believe how young he was. One of the conditions of her contract with Rogue Shadows was that Nelson be signed as well. The kid was a natural and she knew with proper training he could be a legend.

In the end it was still only the three of them standing at the front door at 9:00 AM when they were due to leave. Paul instructed Ana and Nelson to wait in the 11-passenger van outside while he tracked down the rest of the team.

"Shotgun!" Nelson called as he ran out the front door the van beeping as Paul unlocked it with the fob. Nelson's declaration was fine by Ana as she crawled into the very back row of seats. She preferred to sit to sit in the back closet to the window. There was a car charging port and cup holder back there. It was useful when her phone was dead or she brought a drink someplace.

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