Chapter 1

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1. the lamp

Sarah hated swimming she hated it even more when it was in gym. Today was no different

"pick up the pace you overgrown anchovies" yelled coach smelly but nobody dared to tease him or he would make you do 10km while the others got off. Today they were doing front and back crawl and Sarah was failing at it.

"Move those limbs cupcakes"

"One more minute one more minute" Sarah chanted under her breath to her screaming limbs just as she finished the whistle blew for the end of the last class

"Alright cupcakes" coach boomed "tomorrow a professional swimmer is coming to pick out the most promising swimmer among you you get a high paying after school job and you get to miss gym" Sarah left quietly promising herself to practice in the lake after she did her homework while the others chattered away in their groups. homework passed swiftly and too soon she was getting into her swimsuit and tucking her wispy brown hair in a swimming cap as blue as her eyes that stuck out against her pale skin she sighed and headed down to the shoreline after walking down a bazillion stairs to the shoreline she noticed a brass tube sticking out of the water as she waded in towards it her foot struck something hard when she was a foot away from it. being naturally curious she reached down and grabbed it, it was a small brass lamp it was covered in grime and dirt she set it aside for afterwords when she finished but when it hit the sand everything but a single grease spot disappeared on the lamps surface. confused Sarah swam back towards the beach when she reached it the popular girls were coming down to the beach she could faintly here their chatter

"Hey look theirs a lamp on the beach "

"I heard their in style" said another

"It's mine"

"No mine"

"Mine" they started bickering on the stairs so in the mist of the chaos nobody noticed Sarah slip out of the water grab the lamp and dash up the stairs to her room until the Leader broke out of the fray and the lamp was gone.

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