Why me?

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I went home and couldn't stop crying, I sat in my dark room, on the floor.

The sun was going down, it was sort of an in between of night and day.

I kept thinking to myself..why me? But of course Nobody would answer back..I'm not that crazy.

I looked up to see my razor on my bed.

In my mind there were multiple voices saying 'do it' and 'you don't deserve to live' all speaking at once..

I grabbed my razor, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and was going to cut as hard as I could. This is how my life would end, I thought to myself.

That's when I saw...my mother.

She looked amazing. She walked over to me, putting her hand on my cheek.

"Don't do this Cassie." She whispered.


I was so confused..

"Don't worry I'm in a better place now, please just listen to me and put the razor down. You are beautiful and smart and I'm sorry I treated you so badly. Please, for me. Don't do this."

Wow..hearing her say that was a lot to sink in. I can't waste my life away.

"Mom, what happened to you? I know you...passed..but how?"

"...let's just say you were about to do the same thing I did before I died."

My mom committed suicide?? Tears ran down my face just thinking about it.

"I'm so sorry mom..I promise I won't cut anymore."

Yeah..this was a big step, but for my mom..I'd do anything.

She smiled at me, kissing my forehead.

She then turned back, walking away..and faded.

Cassie's Story (emo love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora