열 다섯

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"Ughhh. That was so heavy" I groan. "Go change. You can't wear a bathing suit to the next stores." I tell Jinso. I get up and take a shower. I put my clothes on. Then, go to Jinso's room. "Jinso!" I yell. She has this on. (Both outfits above) "Let's go!" I drag her out the house and go to the next store. It's a jewelry store, I don't trust Jinso with jewelry but I want to buy us matching necklaces. I see Ximen and Si in the store. "Ximen!" I give him a hug. "What are you doing here?" Ximen asks. I scrunch my face up,"What are YOU doing here?" I return the question. "I'm buying you a gift duh" He says, "a gift for me?" I question. "What about my necklace :C=" Jinso has a purple amethyst necklace in her hand. "Ooh~ it's our birthstone Jinso!" I take the necklace out her hand. It's beautiful. I walk up to the cashier and ask her if she had two. "I do have two but it's quite expensive." Psh..Expensive? When have I ever had to worry about that? "How much is it?" I ask, "928,300 dollars." That is quiet a lot but I still want it. "Uhm..I'll buy it!" I say. The lady looks at me like I'm crazy, she rings up the necklaces and put them in a bag. Ximen buys me a bracelet that has "treasured" carved on a heart. We walk out the store and I feel flushed.

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