being told their going to auradon

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Mal: hi mom.

Zoey: hi mommy.

Maleficent: stealing candy mal so disappointing.

Mal: it was from a baby.

Maleficent: that's one of my nasty little girls. Give it back to the dreadful creature.

Mal: mom.

Maleficent: it the deep smell that make the difference between mean and truly evil but I was your age mal I was cursing entire kingdoms walk with me you to Zoey say I'm just trying to teach you the thing that really counts how to be me.

Mal: I know that I'll get better.

Maleficent: oh there's new I bury the lead you ten have been chosen to go to a different school in auradon.

Mal what I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses.

Evie: perfect princess oh.

Jay: yay I don't do uniforms unless it's leather you feel me.

Carlos  and Amanda:we read somewhere that they allowed dogs in auradon mom said that they're rabid pack animals and eat girls and boys who don't behave.

Mal: mom we're not going.

Maleficent: oh you think it's small punkin it's all about world domination no that's mal Zoey come along. You will go you will find the fairy Godmother and you will bring me back her magic wand easy peasy.

Mal and Zoey: what's in it for us.

Maleficent: matching thrones hers and hera crowns.

Carlos and Amanda: we think they meant all of us.

Maleficent: it's all about you and me babies do you guys enjoy watching innocent people suffer.

Mal and Zoey: yeah.

Maleficent: well then get me the wand and you two and I can see all of that and so much more with that wand my  scepter I will be able to bend both foot and evil to my will.

Evil queen: our will.

Maleficent: our will our will and if you two refuse you two are grounded for the rest of your lives missies.

Mal and Zoey: mom.

Maleficent: (started a starring contest with her dragon eyes)

Mal and Zoey: (join in and lose) fine whatever.

Maleficent: I win.

Evil queen: evei and lizzie might it'll even let him train it hmm. You two just find yourselves two princess with big castle and a mother-in-law wig.

Evie and lizzie: and lots of mirrors (they laugh)

Evil queen: no laughing  it causes wrinkles.

Kuala de vil: well they're not taking my Carlos and Amanda I'd miss them to much.

Carlos and Amanda: really mom?

Carla de vil: yes who will touch up my roots fluff my fur and scrape the bunions off my feet.

Everyone: (on their way to auradon)

Amanda: candy  ( she grabs a hand ful of the sweet treats and eat them then looks out of the window)  why us though that what I don't get?

Carlos: (eating candy) well apperantly we need help without habitat  (he said as an answer and goes back to eating)

(Y/n): what problem do we have hello we perfect.

Nicole: yeah why us? Amanda you okay you don't look so good?

Amanda: yeah I'm fine just tired I didn't get any sleep in the past few weeks because of my mom and that's all.

Nicole: okay! Are you sure you don't get car sick?

Amanda: well it depends on what situation I'm in.

Everyone: (arrives at auradon school)

Fairy Godmother: please put our stuff back were you found it.

Ben: it's so so so great to finally meet you (sake mal and zoey hands) this is a momentous acation (shakes Amanda and Carlos's hand) and one that I hope will go down in history chocolate at the day the two people.

Mal and Zoey: the day that you showed the ten people to where the bathroom  are.

Ben: a little bit over the top.

Mal and Zoey: a little more than a little bit.

Ben: well there goes my first impression (shakes (Y/n) and nicole's husband and kept staring at ( Y/n) like he was falling in love with her)

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