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Location: Iran-Iraq, Operation Swordbreaker 

Date:  August 24, 2019

3rd person 

A small convoy of APC's and Humvee's are moving along side the road to meeting point where their would be brief by Captain Quinton Cole of the current situation in the city and the possible activity that the PLR are doing to regain control over the region in the lead Humvee 1st Lieutenant Jennifer Hawkins is talking to Captain Quinton Cole over the radio stating their current position saying that they would be their in 5 mins.

Jennifer's POV

After talking to Captain Cole I swear to god how did he make it to the rank of Captain he keeps saying all our meeting places in the radio who knows if the PLR has intercepted our communications at this point. I was taken out from my thought by Montes who ask Blackburn a question.

Montes: Hey Blackburn ever wonder why this part of the world is always fucked up?

Blackburn: I don't know Montes I only work here.

All of my men give a silent chuckle and I just put up a small smile on my lips.

Campo: Hey Lt what would be doing when this all over?

me: I don't know probably go back to my hometown visit my family it's already been a year when we last saw each other is would be nice to see them again. How about you Campo what will you do after this?

Campo: Me, going to work in my old man's bar in Houston and probably catch up with him with the things happening back home and tell him stories about my time here.

We continue to talked about the things we would want to do after all this was over and got excited that Blackburn's wife gave birth to their child and we can't wait to meet his newly born baby and he also told us that it was a girl and their still on the processes on coming up for a name. until our radio comes to life

Radio: *Static* RPG!!!!!!!

I look at front and see a RPG Rocket coming straight at us ones it hit us all we last saw is Red then black.

3rd person 

Ones the RPG hit the Humvee it caused a big explosion causing dust to cover the entire area nothing can be heard except the dimounting of troops from their APC and Humvee's and firing at the position of the PLR soldiers but ones the dust cover is clear the lead Humvee is nowhere to be seen all that is left is the black mark on the gound  where it was last seen.

( That is for the prologue of this story. I will focus on the Episode 3 on ZAT which is Beyond Berlin If you guys haven't played that game yet I recommend trying it because it's a fun game and mostly the story would be connect to that.)

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