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The last thing I remember was the cup of hot chocolate that I had with my dog 'Minnie'. We were on our usual evening walk. I was in a black tee and sweatpants.

I remember my body aching due to me over practicing my dance moves. As I was supposed to have my competition in 2 months.

I know that today is the day like any other random day when I have a hangover.On such days, I just lie on my bed with my eyes closed, and I try to remember my past actions before I pass out.

But today I felt different.

I wasn't sure of what I did before passing out.

My head is paining.

It was  unlike every "hangover day"

Like always I tried to open my eyes.

And to my surprise, it was all black in front of me.

I wasn't sure where I was !

I blinked my eyes once, twice, thrice but it had no change. I can see nothing but the color black.

What is happening to me ?

Where am I ?

I do feel that something bad is happening to me !

I closed my eyes immediately as I heard footsteps coming closer to me.

"Hoseok, her condition seems well today" I heard a female sweet voice."But Hoseok-ah do you think her family members would come ?"

"Let's wait a few days more...they'll surely come" This time I heard a male husky voice .

Did I get kidnapped?

"Ummn ....Excuse me ! Please don't kill me ...please leave me" My lips escaped a few words. "PLEASE LEAVE ME"

"Hoseok....she is back to her senses" I heard the female voice again.

"Miss..." I felt her hand on my shoulder.

"Please leave me !" I shook off her hand. "Take me out of here..." I cried my eyes out.

"Why can't I see anything? " I cried again.


BLACK ; jhsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ