Guide to Midnight Solstice

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*Courtesy of Official Midnight Solstice Guide to New Players

*Courtesy of Official Midnight Solstice Guide to New Players

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"Welcome to the Grove, young adventurer..."

The Mage's Grove, more commonly referred to as the Grove, is a place of magic and wonder. Here, those displaying otherworldly abilities need not fear prejudice from the rest of the world. Or, at least that's how it used to be. Until the Dark Wizards came.
Now the Grove is trapped in a place of perpetual darkness only to be freed by the collection of wisps, pieces of the Ethereal Mage's soul.
Failure will only ensure the Grove's demise, the Midnight Solstice.

Midnight Solstice is played seven versus seven in a Capture the Flag style match. Instead of a flag for each team, however, there are three neutral wisps scattered across the Grove. Each team's objective is to collect the wisps and bring them back to their team's keep. Wisps in the keep are not safe however, as they can be captured by the enemy. The game only ends when all the wisps are in either keep or all members of a team are killed.

Players can only be killed by the Assassin. The Assassin must be the one to bring the player's health to 0, however, other teammates may help. When a player is killed they are out of the game. When players other than the Assassin bring an enemy's health to 0 that that enemy is transported to the team's prison. Players in the prison may be rescued by killing, capturing or subduing the Warden. When attempting to rescue captive teammates, the prison must be stood on for five uninterrupted seconds. If the Warden is killed or captured then the enemy team cannot be captured and will instead re-spawn after a death timer.

A team's victory is only secured by killing the entire enemy team or by having a most total points. Points are awarded as follows:
Delivering a wisp to keep: 50 points
Killing a hero: 50 points
Capturing a hero: 20 points
Rescuing captured teammates: 20 points per hero
Delivering enemy keep* to keep: 50 points + 50 per wisp

*Capturing the enemy keep follows the same rules as rescuing teammates. The Guardian must be killed, captured or subdued while capturing. Unlike the prison, wisps can still be collected at the keep if the Guardian is killed or captured. Once captured, a team's keep can only be reclaimed by killing the enemy Guardian at which point the keep will reset to its starting point without any previously captured wisps.

Hero Roles:
Scout (2) - This player is responsible for finding the wisps and the enemy's keep and players. Unique Skill: Invisibility - Cannot be seen by enemies after standing still for two seconds (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
Runner (2) - This player's goal is transporting the wisps and enemy keep back to their own keep. Unique Skill: Swiftness - Gain a burst of movement speed for 5 seconds (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
Assassin (1) - They are the only player that can kill enemies. Unique Skill: Predator - Gain permanent bonus damage after killing a hero (Cooldown: 0 seconds)
Warden (1) - This player guards the prison. Unique skill: Growth - Gain bonus health relative to total health for 5 seconds (Cooldown: 45 seconds)
Guardian (1) - This player is responsible for hiding the keep at the beginning of the game and thereafter guarding it. Unique skill: Boosts the power of the next attack (Cooldown: 20 seconds)

Unique Hero Skills:
Note: Users may choose from one of three unique hero skills for their role. One skill from each role is a passive that lasts the entire game. The other two are limited skills and have a one time use.*
Scout  (1) Invisibility - Cannot be seen by enemies after standings still for two seconds (Passive; Cooldown: 5 seconds)
              (2) Clairvoyance - Illuminate an entire region for both teams for three seconds (Limited)
              (3) Illuminate - Increases vision for five seconds. If used in conjunction with ally scout double vision increase (Limited)
Runner (1) Swiftness - Passively gain movement speed as the match progresses (Passive)
                 (2) Warp - Teleport to an ally or mark (Limited)
                 (3) Hasten - Gain a burst of speed for five seconds. If used in conjunction with ally runner speed is doubled (Limited)
Assassin (1) Predator - Gain permanent bonus damage after killing a hero (Passive)
                   (2) Snipe - Execute an enemy hero below 30% health within vision (Limited)
                   (3) ? - Deal a burst of damage to an enemy hero then transport to a nearby mark (Limited)

**THIS GUIDE IS WIP. More information will be added as the story progresses so stay tuned!**

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