wake up and sleep

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a collab with wickedhearrts she is amazing and if you don't follow her... man you're really missing out.
thank u lara for being such an amazing frend and lending this poem your talent. lots of love.
(key: italics = lara   regular font = me)

wake up with me.
rise in the dark.
maybe 5am?
bundle everything into a suitcase
hasty shower, brush teeth and go
bleary-eyed and heavy-limbed
clumsiness meets chaos
we need to catch our flight and we will
run away together
to freedom, and to excitement,
and to love.

fall asleep with me.
when the night bleeds into morning and we can barely stay awake,
look at me in the fleeting light of the street lamps,
notice my eyes in the glare of the laptop screen.
laugh with me in the dark.

wake up with me.
untangle your arms from around my waist and
rise at 7 for work.
leave bed slowly, turn to me and watch
my features morph and change
as i dream of you, of us.
rain hammers against the bedroom window
it's cold outside. your glasses will steam up
and i will laugh at you.

fall asleep with me.
when the storm rages outside and i am scared of myself,
hold my hand underneath the covers.
tell me it'll be alright
let me use your shirt to cry into or
maybe just your skin.
calm my ocean, listen to the raindrops on the window-pane.
teach me how to find beauty in the anger.

wake up with me.
to gold spilling through the curtains.
warm and entwined together,
talking, laughing like we are the only ones
in the world.
gentle, lazy kisses on a saturday morning.
"what's in the fridge?"
"want to make pancakes?"

fall asleep with me.
when we are close and closer,
and your hand brushes my hip and i shiver.
you are so sleepily perfect,
i watch your face in the dying sunshine and i wonder,
how can one person be such a brightness that i can almost see you glowing
in the half-dark.
don't worry about the waking, darling.
that's tomorrow's problem.

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