Akihabara, Lied about being okay.

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No ones pov

Jungkook woke up too early, earlier than everyone else and began to walk around the hotel room and be bored.

Taehyung was still sleeping cause he ended staying up till 4 in the morning finish up all the homework that he had from being a student mentor, student Council president, Teachers pet, and Principles helper. Taehyung was stressed out with all the work but he had to do his best.

Jungkook decided to go to the front Lounge and get a bag of chips and a bottle of sprite. Jungkook quickly and quietly left the room closing the door softly on his way out.

Jungkook quickly ran to the the lounge and bought some chips and sprite and began to drink and eat them. After he finished eating them he went back to the hotel room and sat in the living room part of it. Jungkook went on his phone and began to search things on social media.

Taehyung woke up around 8 in the morning and went up to Jungkook, he leaned over and tapped Jungkook's shoulder getting his attention. After getting Jungkook to notice him he began to speak.

" Get ready we are gonna be going to Akihabara today, we are leaving in and hour "

" But arn't you still tired, I mean you went to bed like around 4 in the morning."

" Yeah Im fine, just a little tired but I am okay, I'll be okay, so go get ready"

" Okay Tae."

Taehyung's pov

Oh my fucking god, my head is swealing up, it hurts so much. I feel like I am gonna burst. I wanna pass out. I quickly got ready and packed some things that we all might need since I am the student mentor that needs to keep all the kids safe.

I finished packing the things and packed extra cash and began to put on my clothes. When Jungkook came out of the bathroom and I quickly pretended that I was perfectly fine. I went into the bathroom after he came out and brushed my teeth. I took a few pain killers and walked out of the bathroom.

We both came out of our rooms and went to the elevator and went to the lobby where we met with the others. We all went on the bullet train and I looked out the window feeling like shit.

Jungkook was having fun with my freinds I was very happy that he was happy but I was sad that I was not feeling good. That is until Taeyong came up to me and sat down beside me and asked me if I was okay. I smiled and shook my head and he patted my back.

After what seemed like 45 minutes we got off the bullet train and we were at the Akihabara staition. The teachers said that we could go where ever we want in Akihabara as long as we return here at sundown.

I took Jungkook, Jimin, Jisung, Mark, and Yoongi with me. We all quickly left the teachers and walked around the shopping district, if I told you I felt bad then I feel worse now. But I kept strong for Jungkook, and for him to be happy.

I am in pain, my steps have gotten heavier, and I know Yoongi and Mark noticed, Yoongi understood that I was feeling bad because I only got sick twice, so he knows when something is wrong. I smiled at the both of them and continued to walk.

We all soon arrived at the anime store. We went to the 4th floor and so we continued to look around, until I felt dizzy and everything went black.

No ones pov

Taehyung passed out and fell on the cold hard floor getting everyone to turn their heads. Jungkook froze and looked at Taehyung. Jungkook quickly ran over to Taehyung and shook him around trying to have him wake up. Jungkook felt Taehyung's forehead and quickly took it back off and shouted out.

" He is burning up, why is he like this. He lied to me he said he was okay, he lied, all because of me. He wanted me to be happy, just because I wanted to go to Aihabara. Why Taehyung why. "

Jungkook cried out, Tears falling down his face. Yoongi smiled and patted Jungkook head, while Jimin hugged Jungkook trying to calm him down. Luckily Jin and his group were close by.

Jin called the ambulance and walked up to Jungkook helped him stand to his feet. But what suprised everyone was that Jin slapped Jungkook's cheek and began speaking.


Jungkook flinched and wipped away his tears and shook his head. Soon the ambulance came by and took Taehyung away to the hospital.

Hello everyone I want to let you guys know that I am planning on a new book called

"Blinded Love"

Taehyung is blind but he has magic power, for some reason he is very skilled in archery.

Taehyung is blind but he has magic power, for some reason he is very skilled in archery

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this is an edit that I made, lol sorry if its not good, im trying

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