Your kinks

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No one's pov

Jungkook was now sitting down with his friends, he soon learned all there names to be Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Wendy, Erza, Juvia, and Jellel. Jungkook always laughed when Natsu and Gray would fight and he made good friends with Lucy, and Wendy. Jungkook was a little scared of Erza cause she would beat Natsu and Gray to a pulp.

The school day was finally over and Jungkook was waiting for Taehyung, once Taehyung came Jungkook smiled and they both walked into Taehyung's car. That is when Taehyung decided to aske Jungkook something he would never think Taehyung would ask him.

" Jungkook what are your kinks"

" What??!!"

" What are your kinks, I am asking what things do you like to do during sex?"

" I don't know, anything I guess"

" Hmm, so BDSM? Roleplay, degrading, you name it."

" What, I dont know any of that."

" Then stay still and we are going shopping"

Taehyung smirked and began to drive into the big city then going to a place with small buildings and lots of people smoking and drinking. Jungkook got scared but then Taehyung stoppped the car and told Jungkook to get out.

Jungkook got out and stood close to Taehyung, Taehyung smirked and gave Jungkook a choker with a lock on it and told him to put it on. Jungkook was not willing too at first but then Taehyung growled at him with a deep voice. Jungkook quickly put the choker on. Taehyung then grabbed Jungkook's hand and dragged him into a small dark store. Jungkook looked around and seen that everything looked sexual, he whimpered when he saw a mannequin with his hands tied behind his back cause of the harrness he had on. Jungkook didn't like it in here and he asked Taehyung if they could leave but Taehyung denied him.

Jungkook was forced to looked around the shop and pick out a few things and it not he would get punishment from Taehying when they returned home. Jungkook was now looking at all the cock rings and handcuffs. He sighed and picked up black things, if he had to be forced to pick things out he was going to pick out his favorite colors. Taehyung then came over with some lace panties and Jungkook blushed and looked away.

Taehyung smirked and grabbed a few more sex toys and then payed for them. Jungkook was now a blushing mess as he followed Taehyung out of the shop. Taehyung smirked at all the thoughts he had in his head about Jungkook under him moaning out.

Taehyung and Jungkook finally got home and Jungkook quickly tried to run in the house to try and take the coller off of his neck but of course Taehyung caught him before he could even reach the door.

" And where do you think you are going baby boy?"

" I was just going inside of the house why, am I not allowed to go in or what?"

" Not without me, cause dont forget, I am going to try all these things on you."

Taehyung smirked and Jungkook blushed and shook his head and he followed Taehyung inside the house  and shut the door behind him. The moment Jungkook was about to run into his room he was pinned to the wall by Taehyung. " Your not leaving just yet baby boy" Taehyung said quickly and took Jungkook to his room.

Jungkook whimpered when Taehyung forced Jungkook inside his room. Taehyung frowned and looked at Jungkook dead in the eyes and used his dominant voice to have Jungkook get undressed. Jungkook started to get undressed tring to cover his privates but then Taehyung quickly grabbed Jungkooks and and told Jungkook not to hide his body. Jungkook whined at this but of course not wanting to get punishment obeyed Taehyung's order.

Taehyung smirked and then quickly gave Jungkook a harness to put on. Jungkook put it on and blushed as it looked really good against his small body.

To be continued....

Thanks for reading love you

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