pass or fail survival test

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Luna and the rest of squad 7 were assigned to Kakashi Sensei the most challenging sensei there is but luna knew him previously from her father sarutobi sensei she knew what to expect but when they were in class of course naruto as usual set the chalk board eraser in the door to prank the sensei luna rolled her eyes and cuffed naruto and said dummy you think hed fall for that stupid trick sakura agreed and sasuke rolled his eyes and waited as the door opened the eraser fell and nailed kakashi in the head and he said class clowns are usually the weakest link and took them to the roof for an introduction. My name is kakashi hitake my hobbies are... well i dont want to tell you and my interests well im not gonna tell you that either. Sakura introduces herself and then sasuke and then naruto but luna introduces herself. Im luna the adopted daughter of sarutobi i became a kunoichi to honor my mothers name. She then sat in silence as kakashi told them their first mission. Be at the training grounds at 5 am tomorrow oh and you might wanna skip breakfast or youll puke. After that luna went home to rest after she packed her gear ready for the mission. She got up in the morning and went to the training fields but kakashi arrived and told them that they had to take two bells and be prepared to use extreme force and that who ever doesnt have a bell gets tied to a post and watches as kakashi eats his own lunch while they go with out naruto rushes kakashi and pinned. Dont be to hasty i didnt even say go yet ready go. Luna took off to the woods hiding perfectly and watched naruto get poked in the butt by kakashi and laughs as she records it and then she strikes throwing several kunai and needles at kakashi as sakura falls for gen jutsu and sasuke sends a fireball but nothing seemed to work luna was secretly tracking kakashi and engages him in hand to hand combat but panics as her glove gets cut wide open kakashi knew of her power and backed off and said fix that glove before someone seriously gets injured she swaps gloves and snags a bell with fast reflexes and flees and notices the times almost out kakashi throws a kunai at luna while she tries to jump in a tree and lands flat on her back out cold sakura rushes to aid and drags her to safety and hands her water and says that the bells in her pocket and that they need to work as a team sakura holds the bell and is attacked but sasuke secrures his bell and naruto and luna are tied but sakura and sasuke feed them luna was hurt bad as she weezed while eating kakashi untied her and looked at her. You ok luna all luna saw was blurr at this point and she collapsed to her knees kakashi said they all passed but team work was the true lesson to be learned

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